
Joined: Jun / 2020
I am a ceramic artist.
I was born 50 years before the beginning of the third millennium...
follow my Gencraft account i post beautiful oil painting pictures...
Joined: Jan / 2024
Dreams come true
Joined: Jan / 2024
Joined: Mar / 2023
Joined: Jan / 2024
Constantly beaten by the machine
Life enthusiast on a journey to self-realization. Striving for fi...
Hi from Australia!
Joined: Oct / 2022
I am a retired jeweler who loves to travel. I am a true gypsy! I...
Joined: Jan / 2021
Salvete! Je suis Chevalier Yvain de Leonais, Aventurier et Trouba...
I like to do AI Art, I have been doing it for about five years. I...
I'm retired from industry design and systems management. I am a m...
Digital art created by Sir CrowPickle at the Steam Atomitorium
Joined: Feb / 2023
Imagination is the most important pigment for painting
Joined: Feb / 2023
The artists remain human (designer, viewer, NN-training artworks)...
Joined: Feb / 2023