Prompt: Jimi, a legend who played with fire,
His guitar skills burned, reached higher,
A maestro of electric voodoo,
A psychedelic, soulful brew.
Fingers danced upon the strings,
As he unleashed melodic stings,
His solos soared, a cosmic flight,
A symphony of pure delight.
With wild riffs and bending notes,
He painted music with rainbow coats,
An innovator, a true trailblazer,
A sonic sorcerer, a sound raiser.
His voice echoed, raw and bold,
A bluesy tale of stories untold,
His lyrics spoke of love and pain,
A poet's soul, a rebel's refrain.
On stage he danced, in a trance,
As the crowd moved in a cosmic dance,
His music transcended race and creed,
A universal language, indeed.
Though he left the world too soon,
His legacy continues to swoon,
The electric voodoo he once weaved,
Forever in our hearts, believed.
Prompt: In Ohio's sky, a wondrous sight,
A day turned dark as black as night,
The sun obscured, the moon's grand show,
A total eclipse, a cosmic glow.
From Cleveland to Cincinnati's bounds,
A hush descends without a sound,
As shadows dance across the land,
In awe, we watch, hand in hand.
The moon's embrace, a fiery ring,
A celestial wonder that does bring,
A moment of magic, rare and pure,
In Ohio's skies, an eclipse to endure.
For just a fleeting moment, it's grand,
A cosmic marvel, a sight so grand,
In Ohio's heart, a memory made,
Of nature's marvel, a celestial parade.
So mark the date, the year is near,
In 2024, when stars appear,
In Ohio's sky, the world will see,
A total eclipse, a sight so free.
Prompt: A basket brimming with furry joy,
A treasure trove of feline toy,
A sight that warms the heart so bright,
A basket full of kittens' light.
With playful paws and tiny meows,
They frolic, tumble, and arouse,
Their eyes so bright, their whiskers twitch,
In that basket, oh, how they bewitch.
They scamper, climb, and chase their tails,
Their antics fill the room with trails,
A bundle of fur, a ball of delight,
In that basket, a precious sight.
Oh, to hold those kittens close,
To feel their purring warmth impose,
A basket full of love so pure,
Their innocent hearts, a treasure sure.
So let us cherish this sight divine,
A basket full of kittens' shine,
A moment of joy, a memory sweet,
In that basket, love's own heartbeat.
Prompt: Apocalypse Unveiled - Revelation Chapter One
Behold the words of prophecy, divine,
Unveiling mysteries of the end of time,
In Patmos' isle, John, the seer,
A vision of grandeur did appear.
The sky ablaze with glory's light,
A sight that filled him with awe and fright,
A voice like thunder, a trumpet's call,
A vision majestic, surpassing all.
In robes of white, the Son of Man,
His eyes like fire, a master plan,
Seven stars, seven lampstands bright,
Symbolizing churches, in His sight.
The Alpha, Omega, the First, the Last,
The Living One, the die He cast,
Exiled on the isle, John did see,
The unveiling of eternity.
His pen did capture, with trembling hand,
The vision's essence, the truth so grand,
To the seven churches, a warning sent,
A call to repent, to be fervent.
Apocalyptic visions, unveiled to view,
A revelation of the things anew,
A glimpse of heaven, a glimpse of hell,
A prophecy foretelling, the final bell.
The Book of Revelations, Chapter One,
A prelude to mysteries, yet to be done,
A poetic saga, of visions bright,
Prompt: The King of Kings, in glorious might,
Descended from heaven, a majestic sight,
On a white horse, with eyes of flame,
His name is Faithful, and True is His name.
The armies of heaven, clothed in white,
Followed the King, with heavenly light,
In righteousness and justice, He came to fight,
To conquer evil, with His holy might.
His robe dipped in blood, His name written,
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, a title fitting,
He struck down the nations, with a sharp sword,
Ruling with authority, as the promised Lord.
The beast and false prophet, were cast in fire,
The enemies of God, met their dire,
Their fate sealed, in eternal doom,
Conquered by the King, in victor's room.
The birds of the air, invited to feast,
On the flesh of kings, the mighty and least,
God's judgment, righteous and true,
A warning to all, to stay faithful and true.
The great multitude, with voices raised,
Praising God's name, in awe amazed,
Salvation, glory, and honor be,
To the King of Kings, eternally.
Revelations Chapter 19, a vision of glory,
Prompt: Two brothers born, with hearts entwined,
Cain and Abel, of different kind,
Their offerings made, to God above,
Revealed their hearts, and earned His love.
Abel's gift, a lamb so pure,
Accepted by God, with favor sure,
A heart of faith, a sacrifice,
A pleasing aroma, to the skies.
But Cain's gift, of fruits and grain,
Was not received, with the same refrain,
His heart was filled, with jealousy,
As God looked on, with scrutiny.
In anger hot, Cain's heart did burn,
He slew his brother, in a wicked turn,
His hands were stained, with crimson red,
As Abel's blood, cried from the dead.
God's judgment fell, upon Cain's head,
A mark upon him, He did shed,
A warning sign, for all to see,
Of consequences, of sin's decree.
Cain wandered far, in fear and shame,
A restless soul, with none to blame,
Yet God's grace, still reached for him,
A promise made, in midst so grim.
In Genesis, a story told,
Of sibling rivalry, dark and bold,
Of jealousy's destructive course,
And sin's relentless, damning force.
So let us learn, from Cain's dark plight,
To guard our hearts, with godly light,
To offer God, our best and true,
And walk in love, with faith anew.
Prompt: A tale of war, and kings so bold,
In Canaan's land, they sought for gold,
They battled fierce, with swords and might,
A struggle for power, in the night.
Lot was captured, in the fight,
Abram heard, and rose in plight,
With his trained men, he pursued the foe,
To rescue Lot, from his woe.
Abram won, a great victory,
He brought back Lot, and all his fee,
And on his way, he met a king,
Melchizedek, who did bring.
Bread and wine, a priestly gift,
A blessing from God's chosen thrift,
Melchizedek, king of Salem,
Blessed Abram, in God's name, with calm.
Abram gave, a tenth of all,
To Melchizedek, he did call,
Acknowledging God's hand of grace,
In the midst of battle's fiery race.
In Genesis, this chapter tells,
Of Abram's courage, and God's spells,
Melchizedek, a mysterious priest,
A blessing to Abram, at the feast.
So let us learn, from Abram's tale,
To trust in God, when foes assail,
And acknowledge Him, in all our ways,
With gratitude, and songs of praise.
Prompt: Moses, once a shepherd humble,
Tending flock with care and bumble,
Till he saw a sight so rare,
A bush ablaze, yet not consumed by flare.
In awe he gazed, his heart astir,
As God's voice called in gentle whisper,
"Take off your shoes, this ground is holy,
For I am the Lord, the One and Only."
With trepidation, Moses drew near,
His soul trembling with godly fear,
As God revealed a plan so grand,
To free His people from Egypt's land.
"I have heard their cries of pain,
Their suffering has not been in vain,
I will send you as my chosen one,
To lead them out, my will be done."
"But who am I, unworthy and weak,
To speak to Pharaoh, proud and meek?
What if they ask me, who sent thee?
What name shall I give, O Lord, to me?"
"I am who I am," God proclaimed,
Eternal, unchanging, never maimed,
"I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
I am the God of love, truth, and rock."
With faith renewed, Moses obeyed,
His heart emboldened, his fears allayed,
He trusted God's promise, firm and sure,
To guide him through, with strength so pure.
Prompt: From Sinai's peak, with thunderous roar,
God's voice proclaimed, the Law He bore.
Ten precepts pure, a guiding light,
To shape His people, day and night.
No other gods, no idols made,
God's name revered, not vainly swayed.
Remembered still, His holy day,
Kept sacred in a special way.
With honor shown to mother, father,
Life's value held, a treasure rather.
No murder, theft, or lies untrue,
No coveting what's not your due.
These commands, so wise and just,
A covenant made, in God we trust.
Though ages pass, their truths hold fast,
A moral compass, meant to last.
So let us heed, with hearts sincere,
Exodus Twenty, precious and clear.
God's guiding words, a gift so grand,
For all to follow, across the land.
Prompt: Leviticus reveals a divine plan,
For rest and renewal in God's own hand,
A Sabbath year, a time of release,
For land, for labor, for blessings increase.
Every seventh year, a sacred pause,
To let the land rest, without man's cause,
To let the poor and needy partake,
In God's provision, for their sake.
And after seven times seven, a Jubilee,
A year of liberty, for all to see,
Debts forgiven, land restored,
A fresh beginning, in one accord.
In Leviticus 25, God's wisdom shines,
A rhythm of rest, His design aligns,
To honor His creation, to trust His ways,
In Leviticus, His blessing stays.
So let us learn from His divine decree,
To rest and renew, in harmony,
To honor God's rhythm, His perfect plan,
In Leviticus, a gift from His hand.
Prompt: A time of joy, a festive season,
Offerings abound, with heartfelt reason.
Trumpets sound, the seventh month arrives,
God's appointed feasts, a celebration that thrives.
Bulls, rams, and goats, offered with care,
A pleasing aroma, lifted in the air.
God's commands followed, with reverence and awe,
The Feast of Trumpets, a joyous draw.
Then, on the tenth day, the Day of Atonement,
A solemn time, a sacred moment.
Fasting and repentance, a humbling call,
As Israel sought forgiveness, from the Lord of all.
And on the fifteenth day, the Feast of Tabernacles,
A week-long celebration, with joy and miracles.
Daily offerings, a time of great rejoicing,
God's faithfulness, their hearts echoing.
Numbers Chapter 29, a reminder clear,
Of God's appointed feasts, each passing year.
A time of worship, of joy and awe,
As Israel honored, God's righteous law.
May we too, in worship and praise,
Celebrate God's goodness, all our days.
With hearts of gratitude, may we draw near,
In festive offerings, our God to revere.
Prompt: A world of sights, of sounds, of touch,
Perceived by senses, oh, so much.
A canvas painted, rich and bright,
A tapestry of wondrous light.
Yet truth be told, reality's veil,
Can often be elusive, frail.
A mirage, a dream, a play,
A grand illusion on life's stage.
What we see may not be true,
For perception shapes our view.
Our senses filter, our minds create,
Our reality, a subjective state.
Is it real or just a guise,
A fleeting moment, a clever guise?
Do we see what truly lies,
Or are we lost in our own eyes?
The truth may hide, obscured from sight,
In shadows, whispers, and the night.
As we navigate life's mystery,
We ponder the nature of reality.
An enigma, a puzzle to explore,
As we seek what lies at its core.
A quest for meaning, truth, and clarity,
Unraveling the illusion with curiosity.
Prompt: In the jungle's deep and wild,
Lies a tale of treasure, undefiled.
Legends tell of a city of gold,
A secret place, untold, untold.
Explorers sought it, far and wide,
Through perilous paths, they did ride.
With maps and clues, they sought the way,
To find the city where riches lay.
But time has passed, and all is lost,
The city's secrets, forever tossed.
Legends now whisper, in shadows dim,
Of a fabled place, now grown so dim.
The Lost City of Gold, a myth so old,
A story of riches, untold, untold.
Yet dreams persist, of a fortune found,
In the jungle's depths, underground.
So, adventurers, with hearts so bold,
Still chase the legend, untold, untold.
Through vines and ruins, they tread with care,
Hoping to find what lies hidden there.
But beware, for the jungle holds its traps,
With dangers lurking, ready to snap.
The Lost City of Gold, a mystery untold,
A treasure yet to be found, so we're told.
Prompt: In the silence of the night,
Beneath the starry sky's gentle light,
A dreamscape unfolds, celestial and bright,
A realm of wonder, a heavenly sight.
The moon casts shadows, soft and deep,
As stars twinkle, their secrets to keep,
A cosmic canvas painted with care,
A dreamscape that's beyond compare.
In this realm, dreams take flight,
Bathed in moonbeams, pure and white,
A symphony of visions, a celestial show,
Where dreams and reality gently flow.
In this dreamscape, possibilities abound,
A playground of wonders to be found,
Where wishes take shape and hopes come alive,
In a celestial dreamscape, dreams thrive.
So close your eyes and let your mind soar,
To a realm where dreams open every door,
Where magic and wonder fill the air,
In a celestial dreamscape, beyond compare.
Prompt: As winter's grip begins to fade,
And nature wakes from slumber's shade,
The air is filled with scents so sweet,
As fragrant whispers of spring greet.
Blossoms burst in colors bright,
A symphony of petals in sunlight,
Their fragrances dance on the breeze,
A symphony of scents that please.
The cherry blossoms blush in pink,
As if nature herself wants to wink,
The daffodils nod in golden grace,
Announcing spring's arrival with grace.
The lilacs perfume the air,
With their fragrance rich and rare,
As butterflies flutter in delight,
Savoring nature's fragrant flight.
The whispers of spring, so soft and sweet,
In every bloom and blossom, a treat,
A symphony of scents, a sensory bliss,
As nature awakens with fragrant kiss.
Prompt: Melting snowflakes, a fleeting sight,
Glistening gems in the morning light,
Descending from the heavens above,
Unique and delicate, a gift of love.
Formed in the clouds with icy grace,
Each one with its intricate lace,
Floating down to the frozen ground,
A winter's wonder, without a sound.
Yet the sun's warmth begins to rise,
Kissing each snowflake with gentle sighs,
They melt away, in a quiet dance,
Returning to water's liquid trance.
Their beauty brief, but never lost,
As they join the streams, a journey's cost,
Flowing towards a new beginning,
A transformation, an endless spinning.
Melting snowflakes, a transient art,
Reminding us of life's constant depart,
That moments pass, and seasons change,
Yet beauty lingers, in every range.
Prompt: In a house so old, with secrets untold,
Lies a doll with a story, eerie and bold.
Its name is Robert, a toy so strange,
With a chilling aura, that can unsettle and change.
Its glassy eyes, so piercing and bright,
Hold a haunting gaze, in the dead of night.
Its stitched-up grin, a sinister smirk,
A mystery shrouded, in a sense of murk.
Legend has it, it's cursed to the core,
With tales of mischief, and much, much more.
Whispers of whispers, heard in the dark,
A presence unseen, but leaves its mark.
Footsteps echoing, when no one is near,
Objects moving, without cause, it's clear.
A chill in the air, a feeling of dread,
Robert the doll, a ghostly thread.
Some say it's just a tale, a hoax, a ruse,
But those who've encountered, know the truth they can't refuse.
A doll with a past, a presence so real,
Robert the haunted doll, an enigma to feel.
Prompt: The Farmer's Daughter, fair and bright,
A beauty born of nature's light.
With sun-kissed skin and windswept hair,
She tends the fields with love and care.
Her hands are skilled, her heart is kind,
She tends to crops and tends to mind.
From dawn till dusk, she works the land,
Her nurturing touch, so tender and grand.
With seeds sown and crops grown,
The Farmer's Daughter, a force of her own.
Her harvest bounty, a labor's fruit,
Her farming skills, a treasure to salute.
A steward of the earth, a farmer's child,
Her spirit free, and her heart so wild.
The Farmer's Daughter, a rural belle,
A soul connected to the land she tends so well.
Prompt: Small puppy paws, so soft and sweet,
Tiny pads that dance with playful feet.
Little wiggling toes, with nails so small,
A precious sight, that captures all.
Exploring the world with curiosity,
Small puppy paws, full of vitality.
Leaving prints of joy, wherever they tread,
A heartwarming sight, where love is spread.
A furry bundle, with paws so small,
Bringing smiles and laughter, to one and all.
Innocent and pure, a gift from above,
Small puppy paws, a symbol of unconditional love.
Prompt: In Delaware's history, a legend is told,
Of a merman with mysteries yet untold.
With the body of a fish and a man's upper part,
The Zwaanendael Merman, a creature of art.
His tail was scaly, his torso bare,
His face and hands, human-like and fair.
A curiosity of the sea, a strange delight,
The Zwaanendael Merman, an enigmatic sight.
He was found in a shipwreck, or so they say,
Preserved in brine, to this very day.
A marvel on display, in a museum so grand,
A creature from the sea, in a foreign land.
But was he real, or just a hoax?
A clever creation, an elaborate joke?
The Delaware Zwaanendael Merman, a mystery profound,
A legendary creature, forever renowned.
So, if you visit Delaware's shores so bright,
Keep an eye out, for a curious sight.
The Zwaanendael Merman, a legendary tale,
A merman's mystery, that will forever prevail.
Prompt: In Michigan's wilderness, a tale is told,
Of a creature fierce and strangely bold.
The Dogman lurks with glowing eyes,
A legend that makes the bravest despise.
Half man, half wolf, a fearsome sight,
With teeth that gleam in the moon's soft light.
Its howl echoes through the darkened woods,
Sending shivers down spines and chilling moods.
Some say it's real, while others doubt,
A cryptid mystery that's yet to be found out.
The Michigan Dogman, a legend enshrined,
A creature whispered of, both feared and pined.
From sightings scarce to stories shared,
The Dogman's myth, a mystery bared.
Is it a myth or a creature to beware?
The Michigan Dogman, a legend rare.
Prompt: In Virginia's hills, a legend is told,
Of a creature fearsome, and strange, and bold.
The Snallygaster, a beast of the skies,
With wings and claws, and glowing red eyes.
Its body, like a reptile, with scales so thick,
A creature that's elusive, and quick to trick.
With a beak like a bird, and tentacles too,
The Snallygaster's appearance, a frightful view.
Some say it's a dragon, or a monster of lore,
A creature that's haunted the land's folklore.
Its origin unknown, its motives unclear,
The Snallygaster's legend, a mystery to peer.
So if you venture to Virginia's domain,
Keep your wits about you, and remain.
For the Snallygaster, a legend so grand,
A creature of wonder, in the hills of the land.
Prompt: Nyx, primordial queen of night,
With darkness draped in starry light,
A shadowy veil across the skies,
Where mysteries and secrets rise.
Born from Chaos, ancient and vast,
Your realm envelops all at last,
Your cloak of darkness shrouds the day,
Bringing rest and dreams our way.
In the quiet hours of midnight's reign,
You hold the world in your domain,
With twinkling stars and moon's soft glow,
You cast a spell on all below.
Nyx, goddess of the hidden hour,
Your depths hold ancient, timeless power,
A realm of quiet, calm and peace,
Where troubled souls find sweet release.
As stars adorn the nocturnal skies,
Nyx's presence never dies,
A goddess of primordial might,
Who rules the realm of tranquil night.
Prompt: The Goodyear Blimp, a majestic sight,
Soaring in the sky, a symbol of flight.
With its iconic shape, and colors bright,
A floating ambassador, a beacon of light.
High above, it gracefully glides,
With its blimp-like shape, it mesmerizes.
A floating billboard, with messages clear,
The Goodyear Blimp, a sight to cheer.
Its hull emblazoned, with the Goodyear name,
A brand that's known, worldwide acclaim.
With its aerostatic design, it takes to the air,
The Goodyear Blimp, a sight quite rare.
Its crew on board, skillfully maneuver,
Through clouds and winds, they boldly maneuver.
With panoramic views, from up on high,
The Goodyear Blimp, a marvel in the sky.
A symbol of innovation, a feat of engineering,
A pioneer of flight, with a history endearing.
From sporting events, to special occasions,
The Goodyear Blimp, an aviation sensation.
It floats with grace, above the land,
A familiar sight, so grand and grand.
The Goodyear Blimp, an iconic treasure,
A symbol of flight, that brings us pleasure.
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.