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Moses, once a shepherd humble,
Tending flock with care and bumble,
Till he saw a sight so rare,
A bush ablaze, yet not consumed by flare.
In awe he gazed, his heart astir,
As God's voice called in gentle whisper,
"Take off your shoes, this ground is holy,
For I am the Lord, the One and Only."
With trepidation, Moses drew near,
His soul trembling with godly fear,
As God revealed a plan so grand,
To free His people from Egypt's land.
"I have heard their cries of pain,
Their suffering has not been in vain,
I will send you as my chosen one,
To lead them out, my will be done."
"But who am I, unworthy and weak,
To speak to Pharaoh, proud and meek?
What if they ask me, who sent thee?
What name shall I give, O Lord, to me?"
"I am who I am," God proclaimed,
Eternal, unchanging, never maimed,
"I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
I am the God of love, truth, and rock."
With faith renewed, Moses obeyed,
His heart emboldened, his fears allayed,
He trusted God's promise, firm and sure,
To guide him through, with strength so pure.
And so, the journey began that day,
To lead God's people, come what may,
Through desert heat, and parted seas,
With faith as their guide, and God to please.
With signs and wonders, they were led,
By pillar of cloud, and fire, they were fed,
Till they reached the promised land so fair,
And found God's love, forever there.
So, let us remember Moses' story,
In Exodus Chapter 3's glorious glory,
To trust in God, though doubts may rise,
For He is with us, till the end of our lives.