Apocalypse Unveiled - Revelation Chapter One Poem

Majestic figure in red cape with sword at vibrant sunset.
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More about Apocalypse Unveiled - Revelation Chapter One Poem

Behold the visions, mystic and grand,
A glimpse of truths, from distant land,
John's revelation, divinely revealed,
A prophetic tale, in words concealed.
The heavens parted, a voice proclaimed,
A trumpet's blast, a sight untamed,
A radiant figure, clothed in light,
In glory robed, a majestic sight.
Seven lamps ablaze, the seven stars,
A sword that shines, no shadow mars,
The Alpha, Omega, the First and Last,
Eternal One, the future and the past.
John, in awe, fell at His feet,
His heart bowed low, in reverence sweet,
The voice like thunder, the words profound,
"I am the Living One, forever crowned."
Fear not, dear John, behold the key,
Unlocking mysteries, for you and me,
The risen Christ, in power and might,
The conquering King, enthroned in light.
A call to write, to share the vision,
To warn, to guide, with clear precision,
The churches listed, the lampstands bright,
A message sent, to shine with light.
In Patmos, exiled, John received,
A revelation, to be believed,
A glimpse of glory, a heavenly show,
The beginning of the end, a truth to know.
So let us heed, with open hearts,
The words of Revelation, as it imparts,
A message timeless, relevant today,
A roadmap true, to show the way.
Apocalypse unveiled, a mystery revealed,
In Revelation Chapter One, truth sealed,
A message of hope, of warning, and grace,
To guide us through, till we see His face.


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