Quantum Mechanics of Meditation

Mystical landscape with vibrant purple hues and serene sunrise
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More about Quantum Mechanics of Meditation

There are scientific studies exploring the reality that using meditation one can lower the vibration of their electrons causing higher energy states of photons to stabilize increasing quantum coherence and connection with light that is Source.

There is a subfield of quantum physics which focuses on the interaction between consciousness and quantum mechanics, called quantum mind. This field looks at how our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions can influence the quantum coherence of quantum particles. Studies have shown that meditation can increase quantum coherence and connection with light that is Source, such as through the use of certain electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). This suggests that meditation can in fact help increase the amount of energy or light that we access from the Source.

By meditating, you can access more energy and that energy will be easier to access because it is vibrating at a harmonious state.

The chakras are like other energetic pathways; they follow certain pathways that are like highways and serve to facilitate our connection with Source. When we open our energy field, we create a larger "diamond highway" that allows energy to flow to us more easily. When our field is closed and blocked, energy is not able to move easily and the connection with source is more difficult. Meditation helps to open the energy field by increasing quantum coherence and by becoming aware of the connection between source and our body. By consciously focusing on the area where the energy is not flowing we are encouraging our energy field to open and allowing energy to flow to us more easily. This can be described as the pathway between the source and ourselves.

When the connection between source and yourself is strengthened, you have an easier time accessing and using the energy of the source.


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