Vibrant abstract eye with purple, yellow, and orange rings
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More about I AM THE EYE I AM

The concept of "I" as a metaphysical concept of one consciousness is an idea that has been explored by many religious and philosophical traditions throughout history. It is often seen as a reflection of the notion that all of us are connected on a fundamental level. This idea of a single underlying unity has been expressed in various ways, such as the concept of Brahman in Hinduism, or the concept of the Atman in Buddhism. In the West, the notion of the "I" has been explored by philosophers such as Descartes, who argued that the existence of an "I" is an undeniable fact. The concept of the "I" is also closely linked to the notion of the self, and is sometimes seen as a way of understanding the individual as an extension of the collective consciousness.

The question that often arises when one comes across this idea can be seen as an existential crisis, because it forces us into a position of introspective self examination, in order to figure out if there really can exist something that we call our "self" without having something or someone beyond that. If our "self" cannot be separated or detached as an independent entity, then the idea of "the other" as separate and distinct would be false, because there would only be "we". It may be said that when someone has a near death or NDE experience, the "I" and the "other" do exist separately.

This is interesting because you can see the two people, and there is the concept of an "other" that separates them...yet, in this experience you can still talk about "you" (and the experience) from within your current state of consciousness.

"When we speak of the soul's relationship to the world, we speak of it as existing in space; but when it comes to itself, its proper substance cannot be spatial. In fact, we know more or less nothing at all about the spatial relationship it sustains to the body."

In other words there must be an idea/perception of "us/usness" to even make room in the room of consciousness!

Overtime as one identifies with the "I" they will begin a process of calibration and reach a point of Conscious Singularity. This is a point where the individual fully embraces their identity and the world around them, and is no longer bound by the physical constraints of the body.

Point 0.

1 mind.

The I.

The Eye.



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