Colorful skeletal figure with cosmic elements in vibrant digital artwork
  • Rex Blevins Jr's avatar Artist
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More about PRiSM

Just like a prism cuts light, a hue-man (human) is a PRiSM within the hologram of Source that gives us our intelligence through light. A prismatic organism that resides within the holographic hologram of Source; a living prism that is responsible for bringing all things back into balance.

The human can change the color, shape, and intensity of light that passes through it. It does not alter the light, but rather, it is a thing that alters our awareness of the light we already have. It is capable of manipulating the energy of the light in order to create something new.

This prism of light is like a filter, allowing us to take in information, process it, and then use it to create our own unique perspective of the world. It allows us to make decisions, discover new solutions, and express our truth. It is our conduit for creativity and intuition, allowing us to explore and understand our place in this hologram of existence.


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