Young blonde modern dressed lady between Master Laozi and Master Zhuangzi, three-dimensional watercolor effect, melancholy and grief theme, hard-edged and disquieting style, haunting, black-and-white, impressionist, digital painting, blurred, blurry figures, urban environment, soft brushstrokes, expressive brushstrokes, motion blur, ethereal, dreamlike, long-exposure, street photography, fragmented figures, partially transparent, textured background, high-contrast, worn facades, dimly lit windows, subtle visual noise, delicate smudging, layered ink-like washes, surreal, melancholic, interplay of light and shadow, monochromatic palette, movement, anonymity, transience, solitude, fleeting nature of time, abstract realism, impressionist photography, contemporary expressionism, Saul Leiter, Alexey Titarenko
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