
Joined: Jan / 2017
"Good artists copy, great artists steal"... Bitcasso
Joined: Apr / 2017
Joined: Dec / 2016
"I quote others only in order to better express myself." - Michel...
Dream on ... Dream until your dreams come true. We run a Facebook...
Joined: May / 2016
Joined: Aug / 2018
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Nov / 2019
I only use my own photos or basic images that I have created myse...
Creator, I have been painting with different mediums for as long...
Joined: Jun / 2020
Joined: Dec / 2020
editorial wise ass and cranky old guy.
We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives in the dream....
"I tell you, we are here on earth to fart around, and don't let a...
Joined: Jan / 2021
I am a retired jeweler who loves to travel. I am a true gypsy! I...
Hello from Northern Ireland... joined this Deep Dream in June 202...
Jellybean breakfast...Mustache on a masterpiece...Post graffiti c...
Writer. Poet. Dreamer.
... never to old to rock'n roll
Joined: Oct / 2020
Just a guy in his fifties,a bit strange,I have ''Asperger'' from...
Joined: Jul / 2020