
Joined: Aug / 2019
Joined: May / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
My Titles Poet, Healer, Artist, Author, Sculptor, Jokesmith...
My personality depends on how you treat me
just wandering around, seems like I've found a cool website
Joined: Jul / 2020
Style transfers and deepdreams
Making amazing paints!! Follow me to get helpful information!!
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jan / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Apr / 2017
I practice photography, macrophotography among others, I also cre...
Joined: Jul / 2020
Informatics teacher and NN researcher from Hungary.
Joined: Aug / 2019
Destroying nature is destroying life
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Feb / 2018
I wheely enjoying making stuff.
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Apr / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jun / 2020
Navigare necesse, vivere non este necesse.
Yay!!! and there was much rejoice...
Joined: Aug / 2020
Joined: Aug / 2020
Artist and Musician
35 year old freelance designer from the netherlands - used to exc...