
“Ama el arte. De todas las mentiras es, cuando menos, la menos fa...
Art and Music lover, hobby photographer. If you are the artist...
I Love music and i am learning guitar and i am Someone who loves...
Just one ancient raven, whose cast little light into the darkness...
Joined: Apr / 2017
American living in Australia, recently retired art teacher living...
Half Australian, Half English totally up for it.
Joined: Dec / 2017
Real name Janeen McMurtrie - The photos are mostly all mine, most...
International business consultant, worked and lived in Africa for...
I've been creating these images since the middle of the Trump pre...
Cats. And more cats. Occasionally something else but mostly cat...
Retired high school & college teacher
As the one-year anniversary of my sister's death approaches, I r...
Joined: Feb / 2019
Just a gal who loves all forms of art
We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives in the dream....
Sweet dreams ;^)
Joined: Jan / 2016
Shine on you crazy diamonds....
Joined: Oct / 2017
Dream on ... Dream until your dreams come true. We run a Facebook...
School of hard knocks !!!
Hallo ;-) schön das du da bist. danke für dein Interessent
Joined: May / 2016
The some of all things
I'm an artist with words: I am an author with AKA Literary agency...
Joined: Feb / 2019
Hi DDG Friends - I'm taking a break to focus on my latest passion...