
Digital artist for over 40 years... so far
Like breathing,I need to create ..analog or digital!
Lorenz, 63, from Frankfurt/ Germany
Art Lover and Dreamer
philosopher and social psychologist interested in creating visual...
Graphic Arts/ Music Production
Joined: Nov / 2021
Newly retired lady who enjoys art and loves God, family and life....
Joined: Nov / 2021
Joined: Mar / 2017
went to art school - art teacher and hobbyist - I draw and paint...
Love and appreciate the beauty around us....always enjoyed photog...
Art Enthusiast. Promoter and curator of culture.
Photography, fractal enthusiast.
"Bring out the GIMP"
Joined: Mar / 2018
Joined: Nov / 2020
Joined: Nov / 2021
Joined: Nov / 2021
Joined: Jun / 2017
Joined: Sep / 2021
Joined: Dec / 2018
Joined: Jul / 2016
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Joined: May / 2021
Joined: Aug / 2018
Joined: Oct / 2021
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, f...
Keep it surreal - Realism is not a solution either
Joined: Nov / 2021
Joined: Oct / 2017