Legend of Atlantis: Plato Visits The Gates [Pillars] of Hercules and has a Vision

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More about Legend of Atlantis: Plato Visits The Gates [Pillars] of Hercules and has a Vision

Atlantis was neither a legend no a fiction but a real place. It was a part of a continent of Pangea which broke off into pieces due to the pole shift which occurred around 2,800 BCE or, approx.. in the year 1,200 since Adam and Eve. [edited] The shift caused a mega earthquake braking the one continent into many pieces, and The Kingdom of Atlantis was sunk to the bottom of Atlantic Ocean. The Great Flood happened at the same time. The Atlanteans were not humans but angels who took human form. They had children born to them by women whom they chose. The children that were born to them were giants, the mighty men of old. Hercules was one of them.

These angels and their children were the builders of ancient Roman-Greco Architecture which happens to exist to this day. This history was supressed in recent times by Darwinian movement which had reset the world to new ideas of how life on Earth started and questioned existence of God. Since then, mankind's real roots and history were replaced by growing faith in science which is not based on truth. We are part of that confused generation. The next polar shift is overdue by 25 years. Not much time left to sort our heads. There will be survivors but not many.


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