Wanderland Lore [$06]

Young person with pink hair at a pastel-themed desk
  • Squishy Plushie's avatar Artist
    Squishy Pl...
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    4mos ago
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More about Wanderland Lore [$06]

Eventually Wanda left college, with a 2/2 (could have done better, but spent too much time in the terminal room writing code and playing games, lol) and bought an Apple ][ Europlus with two floppy drives and a monitor (note: the AI doesn't know how to render such a mid-seventies microsystem). Wrote a kitchen design package (KDS 5000) in 6502 assembler, and a small adventure game in UCSD Pascal. (This would later evolve into Wanderland). Started (or continued) collecting Plushies (hello Squashy Lyndi and Tracy Wacy, lol). Also did some mobile disco stuff. (Hey what is this, an autobiography?). Attempted to build a TTL-based mini, but ran out of motivation (lol, dopamine or ADHD problem?). This would eventually become ::SHE+ILA:: (see separate tag). [TO BE CONTINUED]


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