Dare to Dream, with Good Company

Dare to Dream, with Good Company
  • UncleDoulos's avatar Artist
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More about Dare to Dream, with Good Company

Scripture tells us that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). This means that we should dream big and trust that God will guide us in the right direction. But sometimes, it can be difficult to pursue our dreams on our own. That's why it's important to surround ourselves with good, godly friends who can support and encourage us along the way.

Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." When we surround ourselves with people who share our values and desire to follow God, we can sharpen each other and help each other grow. These friends can be a source of wisdom, comfort, and accountability as we pursue our dreams.

But finding these types of friends can be challenging. It requires us to be intentional about seeking out relationships with people who are also seeking to follow God. We can start by getting involved in a Bible study or small group at our church, or by volunteering for a ministry or service project.

As we build these relationships, we should also be mindful of the qualities we want in a friend. Proverbs 13:20 says, "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." We should seek out friends who will encourage us to pursue our dreams with wisdom and discernment, rather than leading us astray.

Ultimately, our greatest source of support should always be God. He knows the desires of our hearts and has a plan for our lives. When we trust in Him and surround ourselves with good, godly friends, we can pursue our dreams with confidence, knowing that we have a strong support system to rely on. So let's dream big, and let's do it together, with God at the center of it all.


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