Warriors of the Faith

Warriors of the Faith
  • UncleDoulos's avatar Artist
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    3d ago
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More about Warriors of the Faith

Every Christian is a warrior, equipped and called to advance the gospel. We wage war not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. Armed with the full armor of God, we stand firm, ready to fight the good fight of faith.

But our warfare extends beyond individual battles. Each city, each community, has a divine mission to fulfill in Christ. Just as Joshua led the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land, city by city, we are commissioned to take hold of the territories God has entrusted to us.

Whether your "city" is a bustling metropolis or a small town, there is a specific work God has prepared for His people to accomplish - addressing injustice, ministering to the marginalized, or shining the light of Christ.


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