Responding to the Call to “Go Home”

Solitary figure walking to castle under starry sky with street lamps and orange glow.
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More about Responding to the Call to “Go Home”

The call of Jesus to "go home" and restore our relationship with Him is not just a one-time event, but a continual process throughout our lives. It is a call to come back to Him, to seek His face, and to surrender our lives to Him.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). This is a powerful invitation from Jesus to restore our relationship with Him.

God is waiting for us to respond to His call. He is waiting for us to open the door of our hearts and let Him in. When we do, He will come in and restore our relationship with Him. He will forgive us of our sins, heal our brokenness, and give us new life in Him.

But in order to hear His voice and respond to His call, we must pay attention to the supernatural light and guidance that He provides. We must be attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit and be willing to follow wherever He leads us.

This requires a daily surrender of our lives to Him, a willingness to lay down our own desires and plans, and to seek His will above all else. As we do this, we will begin to see the supernatural light and guidance that He provides.

God's guidance may come in the form of a gentle nudgingin our spirit, a clear word from His Word or through the counsel of others. He may use circumstances in our lives to guide us, or He may simply speak to us through the stillness of our hearts.

Whatever form His guidance takes, we can be assured that it is always for our good and for His glory. As we surrender to Him and follow His leading, we will experience the joy and peace that comes from being in a restored relationship with Him.

So let us respond to Jesus' call to "go home" and restore our relationship with Him. Let us open the door of our hearts and let Him in. And let us be attentive to the supernatural light and guidance that He provides, so that we can follow wherever He leads us and experience the fullness of life that He has for us.


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