Effortless Flight

Adult and child walking by lake with colorful trees and flying kites in autumn.
  • UncleDoulos's avatar Artist
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    1yr ago
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More about Effortless Flight

Flying a kite can be a great reminder of our journey with Christ. When the wind is low, we need to put in a lot of effort to get our kite airborne. We have to run and run, but even then, our kite may only fly a little bit. It's like when we try to serve Jesus on our own, without following His will. We can work hard and put in a lot of effort, but we won't get very far.

However, when the wind is strong and steady, our kite can soar high into the sky with ease. We don't need to run as much, and the kite seems to fly itself. This is like when we serve Jesus according to His will. When we surrender to Him and trust in His plan, we can soar to great heights with ease. We don't need to rely on our own strength or abilities because His power is at work within us.

Just like how we can't control the wind, we can't control everything in our lives. But if we trust in Jesus and allow Him to guide us, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. We can soar to great heights and accomplish things that we never thought were possible.

So let's remember to surrender to Jesus and trust in His will for our lives. When we do, we can fly high like a kite in the sky, empowered by His strength and grace. And just like how a kite needs the wind to fly, we need Jesus to soar.


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