Marina Leigh Delacroix Human Actress portrait Grigorii Gene carrier

Marina Leigh Delacroix Human Actress  portrait Grigorii Gene carrier
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More about Marina Leigh Delacroix Human Actress portrait Grigorii Gene carrier

This is Marina playing a supporting role in the space opera GALACTIC LEGION.

Acting under the name Marina Leigh, Marina Leigh Delacroix is becoming a rising star in Hollywood. She also has a degree in psychology, and she has sharpened her skills as an actress and screenwriter by mastering skills from seduction and reading body language to NLP and autogenic training, along with aikido, karate, judo, and kendo.

Marina is one of the Shining Children, i.e., orphan girl-children adopted into the Delacroix Family when identified as Grigorii, or else as carriers of the recessive Grigorii gene like Marina Leigh Delacroix.

Born Marina Bondar, she was an infant when her family was wiped out along with most of their Ukrainian village, but she was carried away to safety. She was identified by precognitives, and one of the Delacroix women was working with a children's charity in the area.

The rest, as they say, is history. Marina was a delightful child, clever and a natural performer, able to sing beautifully. She was taught to play musical instruments via the Suzuki Method.


This painting is part of the Delacroix Series, aka "The Delacroix Women Collection," portraits of the women of the Delacroix Line.

Title : "Marina Leigh Delacroix in GALACTIC LEGION" ©2024 A.J. Jones.

This image ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

Accompanying text is ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions.

A.J. Jones hereby asserts his moral right to be identified as the creator of this image as well as all accompanying text.


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