"When are we", said Janet. "Aldwych", replied Julia.

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More about "When are we", said Janet. "Aldwych", replied Julia.

The Tardis (see prevoius image) suddenly stopped, and Janet and Julia opened the doors. Julia pointed to the wall and said "Aldwych". Janet remarked, "It was used as an air raid shelter in the second World War". Janet pointed to some people in the distance, and said, "Oh wait, it's Yvie and Karl from Most Haunted". Julia crept up behind Yvie and shouted "BOO". Needless to say, Yvie screamed. Felix said, "Look, two ghosts", pointing to Janet and Julia. "Wrong channel", said Karl. "That's Doctor Who, not Most Haunted". Suddenly the lights went out. "Wonderful", said Felix. Janet and Julia took this opportunity to go back to the Tardis. Where will they end up next?


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