Living water

Clear glass with ice cubes and amber liquid on reflective surface, bokeh lights in background.
  • UncleDoulos's avatar Artist
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More about Living water

In John 4:14, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well that whoever drinks the water He gives will never thirst again. He is referring to the living water that only He can provide. This living water is not a physical drink, but rather the spiritual nourishment that only Jesus can offer.

We all have thirsts in our lives that we try to quench with worldly things. We thirst for love, acceptance, success, and happiness. We try to satisfy these thirsts with relationships, achievements, material possessions, and other things of this world. However, these things can only offer temporary relief, and we are left thirsting again.

Only Jesus can provide the living water that can quench all our thirsts. He offers us unconditional love, acceptance, and forgiveness. He offers us the hope, peace, and joy that can only come from a relationship with Him. He offers us the fulfillment and purpose that we were created for.

When we turn to Jesus and drink from the living water that He offers, we will never thirst again. We will have a deep and lasting satisfaction in our lives that can only come from Him. We will be filled with His love, peace, and joy, and we will be able to pour out that living water to others who are thirsting as well.

So let us come to Jesus, the only one who can provide the living water that can quench all our thirsts. Let us drink deeply from His love and grace, and let us share that living water with those around us who are thirsting as well. May we never thirst again, but be filled with His presence and purpose in our lives. Amen.


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