Delacroix SisterFlock 03 BestGrigoriWitchBackstory

Vintage-inspired woman with ornate golden crown and jewelry in a regal pose.
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More about Delacroix SisterFlock 03 BestGrigoriWitchBackstory

_____ _______ DELACROIX is one of THE DELACROIX SISTER-FLOCK, a group of sisters (sometimes half-sisters) born to the super-powerful Grigori witch MARY CLAUDIA DELACROIX and fathered by various Grigori wizards : hence, all of these sisters are Grigori witches. Each is an Initiate of the Crimson Circle, like almost all other Grigori in the Delacroix Line, i.e., whether Blood Children or adoptees, called Shining Children. Mary Claudia was one of the Shining Children, yet all of her children are Blood Children, since she was adopted into the Delacroix Line.

They were called the Sister-Flock because they always seemed to know one another's thoughts and desires.

The Delacroix Sisters were born in the 1880s and 1890s, and they flourished through much of the Twentieth Century before they began aging in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of them had died of old age by the turn of the millenium.

This painting is part of the Delacroix Series, aka "The Delacroix Women Collection," portraits of the women of the Delacroix Line.

This painting is also part of the Delacroix Sister-Flock Series.

Some of the subjects appear in more than one portrait, while others appear only once. Can you tell who is who ? How many sisters are there in total ?


Title : "Delacroix Sister-Flock #3" ©2024 A.J. Jones.

This image ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

Accompanying text is ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions.

A.J. Jones hereby asserts his moral right to be identified as the creator of this image as well as all accompanying text.



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