Zuloot core character 'Zulon'

Powerful figure on grand throne in epic arena setting
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More about Zuloot core character 'Zulon'

The year was 4200 and the world was a very different place since the creation of the first eternal life ‘option’. Yes it’s a choice. Many choose to end it though, and take their chance of the loop flipping them into a place where they simply couldn’t remember they were already internal.

The legend is that on the other side they too created an eternal life option but chose to deal with the horror of being eternal by creating new journeys to go on in an endless loop of 100 years at a time. The upside being you simply don’t remember that you're eternal when you enter that game. Your consciousness does however feel twinges of prior lives and deja vu is now becoming more commonplace.

I chose to stay, as after 2100 years I still enjoy the thrill of creating new journeys and challenges for other lost souls who get bored with the monotony of patterns and stagnant addictions.

What can I say; Eternity is harder than most would imagine.

Virtual worlds have come a long way though thankfully, as developers became more creative to fulfill the ever growing demands for ways to escape the monotony of reality. In fact it is rare in these times to see anyone walking the streets.
I pass my time creating treasure hunts as people still have to buy stuff. That never changes. Hard assets are now the only currency used. The rarer the better. Gold is almost impossible to acquire anymore, and is now harder to find than when it was first mined by the prospectors of old. Rhodium, Platinum, Gold, Iridium, Osmium are the preferred currencies of the day.

Two thousand years ago paper money was abolished after the great wars. America became so indebted to foreign entities that they had to try and fight it out for resources rather than even attempt to pay back the 80 trillion obligations they had accrued and knew there was no option. It wasn’t pleasant to say the least.

I created one of the first ‘hunting games’ using a somewhat antiquated blockchain tech. It was originally designed in an attempt to free people from the bonds of corrupt banking institutions and greedy oligarchs, but was soon turned into yet another casino for the same people to monopolize and exploit it.

Join us on the journey of world and treasure hunts. Gold and the thrill of the chase will be your reward.


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