FANTASY STORY Men - 5 THE SEER BesT Trending Backstory flawless

FANTASY STORY Men - 5 THE SEER BesT Trending Backstory flawless
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More about FANTASY STORY Men - 5 THE SEER BesT Trending Backstory flawless

This Seer became blind as a child, due to maternal neglect and psychotic paternal abuse, as evidenced by the scars on his neck.

At age twelve, he stopped a guard captain on the street and told him that men would soon come to the king's bedchamber to kill him. "But you will stop them," the boy said matter-of-factly. So it was, and the next day the captain took the young seer from his parents, who had forced him to beg. He was brought to the Order's monastery, but in his case training seemed to make no difference in his abilities. His predictions were always spot on, but only if and when they came to him (the monastery did teach him how to be socially fluent despite his lumpen upbringing).

In any case, anything that affected many people would become the focus of the seer's prophecies. For this reason, the Order recommended him to the royal court, where he could advise the king's advisors. Like the Teacher, he might be on a pilgrimage, perhaps with a guide dog, although such dogs are modern creations in our own world.


Part of the series "Human Men in My Fantasy Milieu."

Title : "The Seer" ©2024 A.J. Jones.

This image ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

Accompanying text is ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions.

A.J. Jones hereby asserts his moral right to be identified as the creator of this image as well as all accompanying text.


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