5: Intermediate image for a bard NPC in my D&D campaign

Portrait of a Woman in Elegant Silver Hair and Gown
  • Pilindë Pebrimbor's avatar Artist
    Pilindë Pe...
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More about 5: Intermediate image for a bard NPC in my D&D campaign

(the struggle on the fringe is very real)

Well, this is closer. The linked belt has vanished, but the hanging fringe of tiny chains at least is kinda there. But... where the heck did that leather belt come from? So I figured, no big deal, I'll just delete it.

Silly me. I'd use a prompt saying 'delete belt' or 'remove belt', and it would dutifully go away... and be replaced by a DIFFERENT belt. Usually doing weird stuff to the hanging fringe of chains in the process. Profanity in the prompts did not seem to help at all, either.


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