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More about LIZA - TRAVELER

Liza is waiting for her parents, she hears a strange noise inside her house, she takes her cat in her arms and locks herself in her room, she sees a light under the door, she opens it, she sees the entrance to a wonderful magical and cosmic world that It makes her curious, she hears a voice that invites her to come in, she doesn't know whether to go through that magic door or continue waiting for her parents.
liza esta esperando a sus padres, escucha un ruido extraño dentro de su casa, toma en brazos a su gata y se encierra en su cuarto, ve una luz debajo de la puerta, la abre, ve la entrada aun maravilloso mundo magico y cosmico que le provoca curiosidad, escucha una voz que la invita a pasar ,no sabe si atravesar esa puerta magica o seguir esperando a sus padres.

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