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ASMIC LIZMOSS, es un fino y elegante lagarto de la ciudad bosques musgosos, miembro de la familia real y de la hermandad de guerreros magicos, tiene una familia aristócrata de varios hijos con habilidades sobrenaturales.
ASMIC es un general diplomático muy querido por el pueblo, guarda celosamente los secretos del poder de las esferas de luz, gran herencia familiar, enseñanza compartida solo en el clan familiar y por aquellos que tienen el sello de luz del guerrero.
ASMIC LIZMOSS, is a fine and elegant lizard from the city of mossy forests, a member of the royal family and the brotherhood of magical warriors, she has an aristocratic family of several children with supernatural abilities.
ASMIC is a diplomatic general very loved by the people, he jealously guards the secrets of the power of the spheres of light, great family heritage, teaching shared only in the family clan and by those who have the warrior's seal of light.
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