Refreshing Water, Valuable Resource

Colorful illuminated gazebo with person in hat on reflective surface
  • UncleDoulos's avatar Artist
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    1yr ago
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More about Refreshing Water, Valuable Resource

There is something refreshing and life-giving about water springs that flow out from a well. In ancient times, a well was a valuable resource for a community, providing a source of clean water for drinking, cleaning and irrigation.

In the book of Proverbs, we find a beautiful metaphor for a wellspring: "The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream" (Proverbs 18:4 NIV). Just as a wellspring provides life-giving water, our words can also provide refreshment and nourishment to those around us.

But just as a well can become stagnant and polluted if it is not cared for, our words can also become negative, hurtful, and destructive if we do not guard our tongues. In Proverbs 10:11, we are reminded that "the mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence."

Therefore, it is important for us to be intentional about the words we speak. We should seek to speak words of kindness, encouragement, and truth, and to avoid gossip, negativity, and criticism. We can ask God to help us use our words to build up others and to glorify Him.

As we reflect on the image of a wellspring, let us remember that our words have the power to bring life or death. May we choose to speak words that bring refreshment, healing, and hope to those around us, and may we be mindful of the impact our words have on others. May we be like a wellspring of living water, providing refreshment and nourishment to those who come to us in need.


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