
Since I'm not an artist, I love creating beautiful images using a...
Joined: Oct / 2020
the truth of life is to dream and dreaming will produce what you...
I also love to paint and do ceramics
Away exploring ...
Joined: Jan / 2021
love abstracts , fractals, nature & foxie & using my handycam...
Joined: Dec / 2020
Joined: Oct / 2019
I just like to spaghettify things (mostly anime).
Captain of the sinking ship...
Joined: Jan / 2020
Action causes more trouble than thought.
Artist, progressive liberal, animal activist, volunteer, environ...
What a long strange trip it's been...
Joined: Jun / 2016
Joined: Mar / 2019
If it seems I love octopuses, that is true. (btw I checked, and O...
Art is everywhere!
Joined: Sep / 2020
"Dreams of art, dreams of life, it's what I do. I aspire to insp...
Joined: Aug / 2017
Joined: Apr / 2020
Retired high school & college teacher
Acrylic artist, and hobby photographer, Kansas, USA
I Love Deep Dream, its helping me to be more creative, i like mak...
Doing Good as much as possible to have Well-wishers Only and Be R...
“Ama el arte. De todas las mentiras es, cuando menos, la menos fa...
Mulligan Stew