
Joined: Mar / 2017
I'm just here to create escapes. Hey, it beats Twitter, right?
Joined: Dec / 2023
Joined: Sep / 2023
Why don't we rewrite the stars?
I make now my pictures mainly on my own Computer with InvokeAI an...
Joined: Jan / 2023
I'm retired from industry design and systems management. I am a m...
Joined: Jan / 2024
Just new to try everything. A Cinematic Lover.
Joined: Apr / 2021
yada yada yada
Joined: Jan / 2023
Joined: Jan / 2024
Use dreams to create life, use life to create dreams, and move fo...
Joined: Sep / 2023
I am a Iranian Man and I dream of freedom for my country.
Joined: Dec / 2023
Joined: Dec / 2023
My mission is to provide others with uniquely styled art pieces t...
I've lived, I've loved and I have made the most of my time on thi...
The movement of the idea of Kotsiubiiv (until 2023: Odesa). The i...
All my images - including base, evolutions and final results - po...
Joined: Nov / 2018
I've been creating these images since the middle of the Trump pre...
Don't trouble Trouble until Trouble troubles You
Creating pictures for stories, creating stories through pictures,...
All my images - including base, evolutions and final results - po...
Random student from Ukraine
Joined: Dec / 2022