Samson, don't be nervous, I'm just going to trim your bangs...
3072 X 3072
(9.44 MP)
Used settings:
Prompt: Surrealist ironic art magical realism. The action takes place in a hut in the mountains, the light sources are clay oil lamps in the hut and a window in the wall. In the center of the frame is a simple wooden bed covered with a lion skin. Two-meter tall, broad-shouldered, powerful Samson, wearing only a loincloth, is fast asleep on the bed. Samson's hands are clasped behind his head, his armpits are open, from each armpit grows a wild mass of red hair, braided into a thick, foot-long hanging braid. To the right of Samson, on the bed, perched a slyly smiling Delilah, half-naked, in a porphyry cape. With her left hand, Delilah holds a silver basin of soapy water on her lap, and in her right hand she holds a straight razor, with which she begins to cut off the braid growing under Samson's armpit. Shocked Philistines cautiously peer into the window of the hut. Superb composition, baroque aesthetics, chiaroscuro, extreme detail, clarity, masterpiece.
Prompt: Humorous surreal art, magical realism. A clearing in a pine forest in the Oregon mountains, night. Between the mighty spruce trees covered with moss, the night sky full of stars shines through. On the left side of the clearing, illuminating it with a warm light, a small fire is burning, in the grass next to the fire lies a long thick log. On the log sit two capybaras, a male and a female, they are wearing woolen sweaters of a coarse knit with a wide bright stripe. The male capybara holds an acoustic guitar in his paws and sings a love song. The female capybara holds a twig in her right paw on which she roasts marshmallows over a fire. The female capybara listens attentively to the song and feels joy. In the far part of the clearing, in the semi-darkness, a dreamy bear lies and enjoys the song. Fireflies swarm in the night air, creating a sublime and romantic mood. Great composition, chiaroscuro, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Humorous Surrealistic art, magical realism. Hilly terrain, meadows, blooming herbs, Tatra Mountains in the Czech Republic, bright sunny day. In the foreground on the left side of the frame lies a large twenty-meter thick red dragon with its head to the center of the frame. The dragon is tired but contentedly inflating an aerostat balloon with its fiery breath. A basket for aeronauts is attached to the balloon. Four people, small compared to the dragon, are standing near the basket in sports overalls and rejoicing. Half a dozen aerostat balloons, inflated by the dragon earlier, are already flying in the blue summer sky. A feeling of joy and fun adventures. Magnificent composition, high contrast, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal Humorous art, magical realism. Swiss Alps, foggy May morning. In the center of the frame on the top of the cliff facing the viewer are two six-foot tall frogs standing on their hind legs. The frogs are dressed in the fashion of European travelers of the late 19th century. In the right paw of each frog is a walking stick. The frogs scream loudly into space, inflating their vocal sacs. But there is no echo and a feeling of surprise and misunderstanding appears on the frogs' faces. Under the cliff with the frogs, three meters below, there is a small grotto. In the grotto, on a bed of moss, the nymph Echo sleeps sweetly. By Caspar David Friedrich, Magnificent composition, chiaroscuro, saturated colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal satirical art, magical realism. Rio de Janeiro, dirty poor favelas. An expensive powerful old-timer convertible is driving towards the viewer along a dusty winding road from the favelas. The convertible is bright red and has a sparkling chrome grille. Behind the wheel of the convertible sits a young, daring six-foot-tall male frog. The male frog driver is wearing fashionable dark glasses and a polo shirt with a bright print. In the passenger seat to the left of the driver stands a five-and-a-half-foot-tall frog girl with her front legs outstretched. She is wearing a simple gray cotton dress without decorations, and there are tears of joy in her eyes because she is leaving this world of poverty and humiliation. The few drunks and drug addicts watch the passing car with surprise and envy. Great composition, 70's aesthetic, high contrast, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal satirical art, magical realism. New York suburb of New Canaan, autumn, bright sunny morning, sun rays break through yellowed foliage, creating bizarre shadows on the ground and on the walls of the house. In the left part of the frame, Satan in a strict business suit stands in front of the threshold of a rich house. Satan has come for the soul of a sinner. Satan knocks on the door frame with his left hand, in his right hand Satan holds a half-unfolded scroll with text in small print, signed in blood. Behind Satan stands a broad-shouldered bailiff in a uniform jacket. In the right part of the frame - an open doorway. In the doorway kneels a fat forty-year-old sinner dressed in pajamas with marine symbols, in his hands a large bowl of chips. The sinner's face expresses horror, the sinner realized that Satan has come for him. Suburban neighbors watch the action from afar with curiosity and film it on their phones. Great composition, chiaroscuro, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Prompt: Humorous surreal art, magical realism. Late autumn in the Rocky Mountains, evening is approaching, a storm is approaching in the sky, the wind is raising dust and dry leaves into the air. On the left side of the frame, three pioneer trappers are frozen in horror as they climb a mountain trail. One of them has lost his old flintlock gun out of fear. On the right side of the frame, ten feet up the trail in front of the trappers, a giant ten-foot tall woolly frog suddenly stands up on its hind legs from a pile of dry leaves. The woolly frog is covered in thick white shaggy fur. The fur around the eyes of the woolly frog is dark, its eyes are glowing with a yellow animal fire. The front legs of the giant woolly frog are long and hang below the knees. An atmosphere of horror and encounters with the unknown, powerful suspense. Great composition, chiaroscuro, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Humorous surreal art, magical realism. Late autumn in the Rocky Mountains, evening is approaching, a storm is approaching in the sky, the wind is raising dust and dry leaves into the air. On the left side of the frame, three pioneer trappers are frozen in horror as they climb a mountain trail. One of them has lost his old flintlock gun out of fear. On the right side of the frame, ten feet up the trail in front of the trappers, a giant ten-foot tall woolly frog suddenly stands up on its hind legs from a pile of dry leaves. The woolly frog is covered in thick white shaggy fur. The fur around the eyes of the woolly frog is dark, its eyes are glowing with a yellow animal fire. The front legs of the giant woolly frog are long and hang below the knees. An atmosphere of horror and encounters with the unknown, powerful suspense. Great composition, chiaroscuro, rich colors, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal Philosophical art, magical realism. Late autumn, rural landscape in cold tones, low dense clouds, fine cold rain. In the center of the frame, a suffering man is kneeling in the mud plowed by tank tracks, ash and coals on the edge of his home. The man looks 50 years old, he is European, dressed in a dirty tracksuit and an old torn jacket. The man clasped his head in his hands, his mouth open in a helpless scream. Behind him, two meters to the right, stands an angel with a fire extinguisher in his hands. A cloud of white bubbles bursts out of the fire extinguisher, enveloping the man. A picture of a ghostly paradise is drawn in this cloud. Magnificent composition, muted colors, chiaroscuro, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal humorous art, magical realism. The action takes place in the three-dimensional realistic Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch, on a bright sunny day. Two dusty unshaven cowboys gunfighters from the Midwest stand ten meters away from each other, hands tense and frozen over holsters with pistols. A duel of glances, a powerful emotional tension, spilling over the edge. On both sides of the cowboys, not noticing them, the ordinary life of the Garden of Earthly Delights goes on, Bosch's fantastic creations are doing their strange things. Magnificent composition, vivid colors, chiaroscuro, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Time to soar your thoughts to the stars, my dudes!
3584 X 2016
(7.23 MP)
Used settings:
Prompt: Surreal humorous art, magical realism. Medieval astronomical observatory, a large open room with a parapet, no wall, with an arched ceiling. The room offers a fantastic view of the night sky and the Summer Hills of northern Italy. There is not a cloud in the sky, only myriads of stars and a full Moon. On the right side of the room there is a wide low table on which lies a pile of star charts, drawing supplies, richly decorated books, an astrolabe, and a model of the celestial sphere. Near the parapet there is a carved Venetian chair, next to the chair a bulky brass five-foot Gregorian telescope on a wooden stand. On the Venetian chair sits leaning back and crossing his legs a six-foot frog-astronomer in a warm professorial robe. The frog-astronomer looks through the telescope at the Moon and records observations with a goose quill in an old notebook. A little white rabbit sits on the moon, happily waving to the frog astronomer. The atmosphere is calm, focused and full of joy from making new discoveries. Great composition, muted colors, chiaroscuro, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal humorous art, magical realism. Medieval astronomical observatory, a large open room with a parapet, no wall, with an arched ceiling. The room offers a fantastic view of the night sky and the Summer Hills of Northern Italy. There is not a cloud in the sky, only myriads of stars and a full Moon. On the right side of the room there is a wide low table on which lies a pile of star charts, drawing supplies, richly decorated books, an astrolabe, and a model of the celestial sphere. Near the parapet there is a carved Venetian chair, next to the chair there is a bulky brass five-foot Gregorian telescope on a wooden stand. On the Venetian chair sits leaning back and crossing his legs a six-foot frog-astronomer in a warm professorial robe. The frog-astronomer looks through the telescope at the Moon and writes down observations with a goose quill in an old notebook by the light of a candle in a high forged candlestick. A little white rabbit sits on the moon, happily waving to the frog astronomer. The atmosphere is calm, focused and full of joy from making new discoveries. Great composition, chiaroscuro, ultra detail, crisp quality, a masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal humorous art, magical realism. Interior of the Spanish palace Escorial, it is getting on for the night. A dexterous tall thin gigolo, a curly burning brunette Spaniard of about twenty years old with a thin mustache, a hooked nose. The gigolo is dressed in a white silk shirt of a loose cut and a doublet with gold embroidery. The gigolo is standing behind a short, large, curvy, made-up woman-cocotte of about fifty years old with a high hairdo, dressed in a luxurious dress with a large neckline. The neckline partially makes visible the door of a safe with a limb lock on the woman's chest. The gigolo is leaning over the woman. From behind his back, in the gigolo's ears, a stethoscope, the membrane of the stethoscope in the gigolo's left hand lies on the neckline. With his right hand, the gigolo is turning the limb lock on the safe in the woman's chest. Avant-garde style of the early 20th century. Magnificent composition, rich colors, chiaroscuro, ultra-detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal Humorous art, magical realism. Magnificent hilly landscape of central Italy, spring, late evening, sunset darkening sky with saturated colors. On the left side of the frame, pressing the ground with his feet, stands a huge thin old man 90 meters high, dressed as a Christian priest of the 3rd century AD. The man with effort, bending, holds on the back of his neck a huge flaming heart 50 meters in diameter, holding it with his hands like Atlas. From the flaming heart, numerous golden beautiful sparks fall down. Below, under the feet of the huge man holding the heart, numerous joyful couples of people are walking. The atmosphere of love and universal happiness. Magnificent composition, saturated colors, chiaroscuro, ultra detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: Surreal humorous art, magical realism. Interior of the Spanish palace Escorial, it is getting on for the night. A dexterous tall thin gigolo, a curly burning brunette Spaniard of about twenty years old with a thin mustache, a hooked nose. The gigolo is dressed in a white silk shirt of a loose cut and a doublet with gold embroidery. The gigolo is standing behind a short, large, curvy, made-up woman-cocotte of about fifty years old with a high hairdo, dressed in a luxurious dress with a large neckline. The neckline partially makes visible the door of a safe with a limb lock on the woman's chest. The gigolo is leaning over the woman. From behind his back, in the gigolo's ears, a stethoscope, the membrane of the stethoscope in the gigolo's left hand lies on the neckline. With his right hand, the gigolo is turning the limb lock on the safe in the woman's chest. Avant-garde style of the early 20th century. Magnificent composition, rich colors, chiaroscuro, ultra-detail, crisp quality, masterpiece.
Prompt: A brunette, dark-haired woman in a thin black fur coat, black inner wear, and black-rimmed glasses drinks red wine with a happy expression on her face in a public diner filled with pasted-up theater posters. Near an open kitchen door in a dubious Parisian alley. A heavy oil painting in the style of the Ecole de Paris.
Prompt: Cubistic patchwork. Inside the mind of the glass mirror witch. Giant eyes. Dreamy nightscape. The village of the night and glow. Tunnel of flowers. Cityscape of moon and sparks. Style By Edward Hopper and Juan Gris
Prompt: Copper-red haired young woman, leather tank top with long sleeves, emerald green eyes, beach setting, starlit night sky, gentle breeze, flowing hair, moonlight reflections on water, serene atmosphere, sand dunes, distant waves, constellations above, tranquil ambiance, ethereal and mystical, digital painting, detailed realism, vibrant colors, soft glowing lighting, dreamy and enchanting, by Audrey Kawasaki and Lois van Baarle, ArtStation.
Prompt: Une illustration humoristique en style comics montrant un coucou ivre sortant d'une horloge à coucou traditionnelle en bois sculpté, avec des détails floraux et des poids en forme de pommes de pin. L'oiseau a les plumes en bataille, un regard vitreux et tient un minuscule verre dans son aile. Il est à moitié hors de la petite porte de l'horloge, penché en avant, comme s'il avait du mal à tenir debout. L'horloge elle-même semble fatiguée, avec des aiguilles légèrement de travers. La scène est dynamique et burlesque, avec un décor simple mais expressif
Prompt: Rich, detailed watercolour, colourful, entertaining, highly detailed, layered composition,
painting in the style of Winslow Homer, Keith Parkinson, Andrew Wyeth, rich compelling original fantasy art, colourful
raised shot, wide angle, hr giger, alien world, two moons
the scene takes place in a small clearing next to the entrance to a cave, a scorpion lion creature stands its eyes glowing in a soft yellow light, crystal cactus plants, desert
There is a giant stone pedestal with the statue of an alien creature, A african female elf with green hair (afro blow-out) freckles, green eyes dressed in camo pants and a tight white crop top is standing and holding a large mechanical wrench
Masterpiece, gorgeous, beautiful, awe striking, breath taking, evocative, sumptuous, aesthetic, sensual, unique,
UFO / UAP in Rocky Mountain National Park (Saucer-Shaped UFO 08) - Best Landscape
1280 X 720
(0.92 MP)
Used settings:
Prompt: ultra high-contrast graphics (minimalism:1.5) in the art style of Jean Giraud Moebius, Sable, ligne claire, Tintin, Maxfield Parrish, Patrick Nagel :: high contrast lighting, Flat color, ultraminimalist style :: ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK IN A PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE WILDERNESS SCENE WITH ONE 1 SILVER COLORED FLYING SAUCER UFO in the sky at the image center
UFO / UAP in the Appalachian Mountains (Saucer-Shaped UFO 10) - Best Landscape
1280 X 720
(0.92 MP)
Used settings:
Prompt: ultra high-contrast graphics (minimalism:1.5) in the art style of Jean Giraud Moebius, Sable, ligne claire, Tintin, Maxfield Parrish, Patrick Nagel :: high contrast lighting, Flat color, ultraminimalist style :: THE THE APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS IN A PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE WILDERNESS SCENE WITH ONE 1 FLYING SAUCER SILVER-COLORED UFO in the sky at the image center
Prompt: {Art Nouveau a man in a tenchcoat, white button shirt and loose tie wearing a fedora and smoking a cigarette stands in front of an eldritch portal with a huge tentacle, clouds, spring, flat image, side view, spring}, wide screen,16:9
[watercolor, colored, calligraphic line, pen, black ink, intricate detail, full color, art deco, fancy]
Prompt: Some wear leather, some wear lace
Some wear makeup on their face
Some are young, some are old
Some too hot, some too cold
goth, gothic, darkwave, postpunk, party, underground club, dance floor
Prompt: Some wear leather, some wear lace
Some wear makeup on their face
Some are young, some are old
Some too hot, some too cold
goth, gothic, darkwave, postpunk, party, underground club, dance floor
Prompt: Patchwork by Meghan Duncanson and Jennifer Lommers and Didier Lourenço, Oil painting by Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich. Light composition with a great number of delicate tones which often flow into each other. Light cold delicate colors with dominant pink, yellow, blue and black, pencil sketch, naive art, 16k, primitivism, multiple exposure, multilayer, multilayered three-dimensional drawing
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.