
Joined: Oct / 2021
In my whimsical world of imagination, I try to create gnomes to e...
Artist, progressive liberal, animal activist, volunteer, environ...
Joined: Apr / 2023
Joined: Apr / 2023
Retired high school & college teacher
Joined: Aug / 2023
Joined: Jan / 2022
Je suis un extraterrestre
Joined: Aug / 2023
Fruit flies like a banana, time flies like an arrow! But you'l...
Just an enthusiast
Dream on ... Dream until your dreams come true. We run a Facebook...
psa announcement: food is tasty this is probably the least inf...
Joined: Jan / 2024
Artiste plasticien polygraphiste depuis 1980
Just an Electrical Engineer who knows how to click "Generate".
I'm just here to create escapes. Hey, it beats Twitter, right?
Joined: May / 2023
Joined: Jan / 2024
Joined: Jul / 2022
*** There are things known and there are things unknown, and in b...
"don't think about making art. just get it done. let everyone els...
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jan / 2023
Joined: Nov / 2023
I use mostly my own photos or very rarely photos of friends
Joined: Mar / 2021
Joined: Mar / 2023
The artists remain human (designer, viewer, NN-training artworks)...
Anything that makes me go WOW! That makes me travel, that sparks...
Joined: Apr / 2023