Prompt: “they say that hell is crowded, yet,
when you’re in hell,
you always seem to be alone.
and you can’t tell anyone when you’re in hell
or they’ll think you’re crazy
and being crazy is being in hell
and being sane is hellish too.
those who escape hell,
never talk about
and nothing much
bothers them
I mean, things like missing a meal,
going to jail, wrecking your car,
or even the idea of death itself.
when you ask them,
‘how are things?’
they’ll always answer, ‘fine, just fine…’
once you’ve been to hell and back,
that’s enough
it’s the greatest satisfaction known to man.
once you’ve been to hell and back,
you don’t look behind you when the floor creaks
and the sun is always up at midnight
and things like the eyes of mice
or an abandoned tire in a vacant lot
can make you smile
once you’ve been to hell and back.
Prompt: A man is climbing out of a rocky valley. At his feet are skulls and bones in a green slime fluid. Bubbles are rising up out of the fluid.He is looking up to the sun shining on him. At the top of the mountains you see flowers in all kinds of color. Between the bones and skulls rats are crawling. At the dark side of the valley you see black demons looking down. They have green eyes.
One half of the valley is dark and scary. The other side is joyful and happy
Prompt: Make the flying figure look more like an angel.
Horrify the open sewer at the bottom of the picture. Add rats in it. Make it look more like a painting of Jeroen Bosch
Prompt: Make the blue and red colors fighting with each other. An aggressive confrontation between good and evil. Red represents devils, blue the angels
Prompt: Make the blue colors look like a brain with electric impulses in purple trying to escape the red boundary of this drawing.
The purple figure below with his pink arms in the sky must look like a desperate one.
Prompt: OverzichtSongtekstenVideo'sLuisteren
There's a war inside my head
Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken
So I call this therapist
And she said girl you can't be fixed just take this
I'm tired of tryin' to be normal
I'm always overthinking
I'm driving myself crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bad shit go insane
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I've been searching city streets
Trying to find the missing piece like you said
And I searched hard only to find
There's not a single thing that's wrong with my mind
Yeah, I'm tired of tryin' to be normal
I'm always over thinking
I'm driving myself crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
I'm gonna show you
Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bad shit go insane
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Crazy, crazy
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Crazy, crazy
Yeah I'm gonna show you
Crazy, crazy yeah
I'm tired of trying to be normal
I'm driving myself crazy
And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bad shit go insane
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Prompt: Pilate's Dream
Liedje van Andrew Lloyd Webber
I dreamed I met a Galilean
A most amazing man
He had that look you very rarely find
The haunting, hunted kind
I asked him to say what had happened
How it all began?
I asked again, he never said a word
As if he hadn't heard
And next, the room was full of
Wild and angry men
They seemed to hate this man
They fell on him, and then disappeared again
Then I saw thousands of millions
Crying for this man
And then I heard them mentioning my name
And leaving me the blame
Prompt: Be a voice not an echo.
In a world of whispers, rise and speak,
A voice unique, no echoes weak.
Forge your path where none have tread,
Let your thoughts be boldly spread.
In shadows where the echoes hide,
Step into light, with strength and pride.
Be the voice that breaks the mold,
A story new, a truth untold.
Echoes fade in time's embrace,
But voices leave a lasting trace.
So dare to dream, to shout, to show,
Be a voice, let your spirit glow.
Prompt: Gluttony: overconsumption, usually of food or drink. “The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco or medicine”
Prompt: The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice."
The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it was nice. So they undressed and took their bath.
But suddenly, the Lie leaped out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth. The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back.
But the world, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away with anger and contempt.
Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame.
Since then, the Lie runs around the world dressed as the Truth,and the society is very happy.. because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth
Prompt: I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or a dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me
Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up, I cannot see
That there's not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, wake me
Back in the womb it's much too real
In pumps life that I must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll live
Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, wake me
Now the world is gone, I'm just one
Oh God, help me
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please, God, help me
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
Prompt: Exclusion, inclusion. Who do you allow in and who doesn't? Where are you allowed and where are you not? As a social being, these are mechanisms that guide you. Wanting to belong somewhere, your own club where places are scarce. Getting along well. At work, at school, in the neighborhood, as a country. Can anyone join in?
There is order now. Children have this much less. They are curious about what is happening around them. They slowly learn the mores of the clubs. Do they still want to belong or not? Are you a free spirit looking for space and wanting to be alone or a fearful spirit that does not know whether it will be possible to fit in and then prefers loneliness to disappointment?
The huiskamerartiest felt this in his drawing.
Prompt: "De kwestie is dat u anderen ziet zoals u dénkt dat ze zijn. En anderen zien u, zoals zij dénken dat u bent. Iedereen is maar een verzinsel van degene die hij ontmoet!"
Prompt: Vanuit kikker perspectief kijkt een pion omhoog naar de andere schaakstukken in het spel. Ze hebben allemaal gezichten.
De witte schaakstukken kijken boos naar de zwarte stukken.
De stukken staan zoals bij aanvang van het spel.
Het schaakbord staat in een oude victoriaanse kamer.
Door de ramen schijnt vaal zonlicht naar binnen.
Prompt: Fearless the Warrior stands on the remains of his enemies.
He has a big gun in his hand. He has a gasmask on his face. On his jacket he has hanggranates.
On the battlefield yellow smoke is floating
Everywhere are little fyers.
In the sky a red sun tries to penetrate the clouds
Prompt: Fields they have eyes
Woods they have ears
Fish always sink
Head first downwards
I'll never dismount
I ride this tiger
Crosses are ladders
Leading to heaven
I'm a warrior
I take no prisoner
Keep the candle burning
Bright in the window
It's the only light i'll see tonight
Beggars can't be choosers
Shrouds they have no pockets
Some of us wake up
Others roll over
But not I
I'm a warrior
This is my land
I'm a warrior
This is my land
I'll never surrender
I'm a warrior
Hear this dog bark
Watch the trees sway
Keep the candle burning
Both night and day
Many invade
I take no quarter
This is my land
I'll never surrender
I'm a warrior
This is my land
I'll never surrender
I'm a warrior
I'll never surrender
I take no prisoner
I'm a warrior
I'm a warrior
These fields have eyes
These woods have ears
Many invade
But I take no quarter
This is my land
I'm a warrior
I'm a warrior
I'll never dismount
I ride the tiger
Prompt: Darkness is surrounding a standing man who is feeling anger.
Anger is an energy.
The man is ready to join the demons and take revenge in them who made him suffer.
His mouth is wide open for a big scream of hate.
At the horizon you can see a little bit of purple light Demons are flying above the man. There eyes are purple, there hands are claws. On the ground you see splattered purple paint. A scary dead tree is standing in the background. Black drops of rain are falling down
Prompt: A Steampunk machine is driving through a beautiful landscape. Black smoke comes out of the chimney.
On the machine are dollar and euro signs in gold.
In the machine behind a window you see a big fat man with a high head and a cigar in his mouth smiling.
Behind the machine everything is destroyed.
Before the machine you see animals and birds running and flying away.
Prompt: Make the purple figure look like a wizard who is making magical things happen. Like a portal to another universe. In the middle of the circle a creature appears.
The red color drawing is looking more like ghosts flying around the portal
Prompt: Somewhere in our body is who we are. The soul, spirit, consciousness, identity or something that has contact with the outside world through the senses. The brain translates this for us into its own truth. Looking for dopamine shots and from energy savings, especially via the fast brain pathways, especially to survive in connection with all other biomachines and their own algorithms. The huiskamerartiest notices that who he is increasingly has to deal with an older body and ingrained patterns. A nice challenge to give fresh and fruity what comes in a place in that gray mass.
What does the mind-body interface look like?
Prompt: Reality is invented for you by people who design it like a choreography; there's definitely an office somewhere in Washington, w/ people that designs reality — this must be distributed everywhere through the media, without anyone asking questions about it."
Prompt: De vraag naar de zin van het leven is zo oud als de mensheid zelf. Filosofen, religies en wetenschappers hebben er eeuwenlang over nagedacht. Er bestaat geen eenduidig antwoord, want de zin van het leven is persoonlijk en verschilt van individu tot individu.
Wat is de zin van het leven voor jou?
Misschien vind je het in relaties met anderen, in je werk, in creativiteit, in spiritualiteit of in de natuur. Het kan ook veranderen naarmate je ouder wordt of nieuwe ervaringen opdoet.
Enkele perspectieven:
* Filosofie: Filosofen hebben verschillende theorieën over de zin van het leven, van het streven naar geluk tot het dienen van een hoger doel.
* Religie: Veel religies bieden een kader voor het vinden van zin in het leven, vaak door te geloven in een groter plan of een leven na de dood.
* Wetenschap: De wetenschap kan ons helpen om de wereld beter te begrijpen, maar biedt geen definitief antwoord op de vraag naar de zin van het leven.
* Persoonlijke ervaring: Uiteindelijk is de zin van het leven iets wat je zelf moet ontdekken. Door te reflecteren op je eigen leven, je waarden en je doelen, kun je een diepere betekenis vinden.
Hoe vind je jouw zin?
* Exploreer je interesses: Probeer nieuwe dingen uit en ontdek wat je echt gelukkig maakt.
* Verbind je met anderen: Relaties met vrienden en familie kunnen veel voldoening geven.
* Geef iets terug: Vrijwilligerswerk of het helpen van anderen kan je leven een nieuwe dimensie geven.
* Leef in het moment: Geniet van de kleine dingen in het leven.
Onthoud, de zoektocht naar de zin van het leven is een persoonlijke reis. Er is geen goed of fout antwoord. Het belangrijkste is om een leven te leiden dat voor jou betekenisvol is.
Wil je dieper ingaan op een bepaald aspect van deze vraag?
Prompt: Er is 'zeker' een bepaald soort mensen die vaak verkeerd begrepen worden. Deze mensen zijn meestal eenzaam, vrije geesten, onschuldige geliefden, emotionele. Ze zien de wereld zoals ze zouden moeten zijn, ook al ziet de wereld ze zelden. Vaak zijn het oude zielen, dromers, mensen die met het leven samenhangen, zo intuïtief in hun emoties dat ze ons bang maken. Ze maken ons bang, niet om wie ze zijn, maar om wie we niet zijn, om wat we missen.
Ze bereiken diepten die we niet kunnen begrijpen. Ze hebben een bijzondere band met het universum en haar structuren, met de natuur en haar groei. Ze zijn romantisch, ze zijn loyaal, ze helpen ons groeien, ze zijn niet materialistisch, ze begrijpen de diepe banden van het leven, ze zijn dankbaar, ze zijn voorbeelden van moed. Ze bewandelen de pijnlijkste wegen van dit leven en toch vinden ze op de een of andere manier de moed om te glimlachen, vaak onbaatzuchtig.
Prompt: A purple landscape with destroyed buildings.
In the ruins four laughing people. Two woman looking like witches.
A sad man walks to the viewers of this drawing.
A yellow sun in the backgrounds shines on the purple ruins.
Left you see people watching to the left.
Right you see people watching to the right
Prompt: Create a face with one blue eye and one brown eye.
The face is a mix of all the races of humans in the world.
On the background the colours of the rainbow shine.
Prompt: Darkness is surrounding a standing man who is feeling anger. The man is ready to join the demons and take revenge in them who made him suffer. An female angel with a white cloack and white wings is walking to the man trying to peace him. She takes his arm. A light is surrounding her head.
At the horizon you can see a little bit of purple light Demons are flying above the man. There eyes are purple, there hands are claws. One demon is standing behind the man and his black wings are surrounding the man. On the ground you see splattered purple paint. A scary dead tree is standing in the background. Black drops of rain are falling down
Prompt: It's motherfucking game time
Motherfuck, motherfucking game time
What is it about society that disappoints you so much?
Oh, I don't know
Is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man
Even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?
Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit
The world itself is just one big hoax
Or is it that we voted for this?
Not with our rigged elections
But with our things, our property, our money
We all know why we do this
Not because 'Hunger Games' books make us happy
But because we want to be sedated
Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards
Fuck society
It's motherfucking game time
Motherfking, motherfucking game time
Motherfking game time
Prompt: A man is standing in the middle of a room on a big brain. He is attached to the brain with big chains on his wrist. His face express power to escape from the chains.
Out of the brain are coming blood vessels in red and blue going over the ground to the walls where the go up to pictures hanging on the wall with horrible images.
Also are nerves coming out of the brain. They all go through a hole in the ground with steel bars.
There are no windows and the only light is coming from a light bulb hanging above the man.
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.