
International business consultant, worked and lived in Africa for...
Schoolteacher from Siberia
Robert (aka "The Always Right Reverent Doctor Robert Are") curren...
Joined: Apr / 2019
Joined: Dec / 2017
Hi :) I am a mental health counselor. I use artwork as a therap...
Joined: Feb / 2019
Joined: Apr / 2017
Never trust a prankster.
Joined: May / 2018
School of hard knocks !!!
Joined: Mar / 2019
Software professional. Always been fascinated by AI. Had no idea...
Historian, hobby photographer and traveller from Europe. I use th...
Joined: Aug / 2018
Every-so-often Day DEEP Dreamer
Retired high school & college teacher
Joined: Apr / 2019
art is magic
I love tools that let me express my thoughts visually.
See my pictures and dream deeper and deeper! I hope you like wha...
The some of all things
I live in Colorado and love cactus, kitties and nature...
I Love music and i am learning guitar and i am Someone who loves...
Musician, Art Lover, Digital Systems Engineer, and Nature Lover.
Joined: Jan / 2017
Joined: Feb / 2018
I only use own sources - photos and fractals. Before I like, I'm...
Native Southern Californian, love most forms of art and music. Da...
Joined: May / 2016