Little Umbrellas

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    Francis Le...
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More about Little Umbrellas

How to survive with a small umbrella on earth.

User manual by @FrancisLecyb copyright FL2024
1/ Thank you for trusting our products
2/ Long Left click on the Music link and select it, so it become blue, Then just after Right click and select Access to ""
Left Click to validate this choice.
3/ Probably some advertising will interfere before zappa's zik. If you dont care, go to point 10
3bis/ if you can hear Zappa's music. OMG go to point 10.
4/ Make a cup of tea waiting end of advertising
5/ You have tea, well go to point 10
6/ You dont have tea. You can purchase tea in your usual tea dealer
7/ Make hot water. NB : tea is NOT compatible with frozen water.
8/ So now put your tea in boiling water.
9/ Put hot tea in your cup. NB : Boiling tea is NOT compatible with fresh tong
10/ You're ready now ! Left click on the start button for watching the video.
11/ if you can hear zappa's zik then you see the howto video guide simultaneously.
12/ At the same time in fact.
---> Music :


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