"Harder Than Diamonds"

"Harder Than Diamonds"
  • © Whitestone Creations's avatar Artist
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More about "Harder Than Diamonds"

"Harder Than Diamonds: He revealed to me an empty horizon, where a single humble golden gate stood alone. It seemed that the hellish horrors of cruelty, random gore, violence, and panic, along with the clamor of sirens, famine, and desperate cries, were behind me but still lingering at a distance. A check in my spirit cautioned me "not to look back". Suddenly, a brilliantly lit spot expanded rapidly, resembling shaving cream in super-speed motion, consuming the entire horizon, including the golden gate. It swiftly solidified into an opaque crystal with iridescent wisps dancing across its surface. The single gate opened, leading into a tunnel within this crystal hill.

As I entered, I found a tunnel that was a story and a half tall and approximately 8 feet wide. While I walked, I sensed a protective covering with words that stated "harder than diamonds". Even the explosion of bombs outside would be imperceptible within this shield. In my journey, I anxiously implored Him to close the gate behind me and station angels as guardians to prevent the encroaching hell from trapping me. Instead, He caused the tunnel to crumble, collapse, and seal behind me, creating rumbling echoes underfoot. As I ventured further, the vision concluded, leaving me unaware of what lay around the bend."

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