Contested Souls

Cosmic Courtroom with Celestial Beings and Galaxies
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More about Contested Souls

While tempting to judge the actions of others it is best to allow one the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it is best to maintain your curiosity and not chase down any given fact.

While knowing something some fact is great, what you really should pursue is understanding.
When you wrote memorize facts, you often become specialized in information. If you collect facts your ideas will often be in narrow context of the relevance in any given fact set.

This often leads to hot debates over the truth or relevance in these facts. This is due to the fact it is much easier to be correct about a fact then it is to use facts to build understanding.

This behavior of policing facts socially is detrimental to creativity. While you may think your imposing an ethical / factual standard, often times the effect of these actions are to project your foolishness. Growth in your moral understanding usually comes with introspection, and challenging yourself to improve.

Loved For Ever More,
Aaron Baker


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