Amazed Love

Young couple huddles by campfire in stormy seaside scene
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This pain doesn't come easily for me, ignoring some things is comforting. I know you like to put caltrops on the ground just to see me take daring steps. I return to you with a dose of adoration, you feel chill inside.

I admit, there is part of me that is fraught, I had written myself off. I linger this way, made up for a story, expecting to be left in a purple haze.

Your poetry has found home in my mind, as if you wrote it for another, yet use it to peer deep in my soul. In my case you must know you're everything that I want, you cause me once again to become introspective, reprioritize my goals.

I never knew one to try so hard, and love so deeply, you must know your 1/1. I feel a loss deep in my soul when I think of leaving thee.

I will never take what we have for granted, this is a foolish disgrace. I am guilty of building castles of sunshine, and looking past realities that stare me in the face.

Admitting someone as amazing as you could love a guy like me, many would think is instant gratitude. I have a hard time excepting the greatness that has come before me. I must admit accepting me for me, this goes against my conditioning.

Yet this feeling so strong, it breaks through daylit first rays upon the dreary face. I resolve to bust my knuckles, tare down my own walls. For I place no one above you, certainly not myself, no more sulking about past cards I was dealt.

I am not here for some story that disrespects us, ending in walk away from you. I don't wish to take you down in your profession of love for me. This is one of my greatest fears, deep down you know. I don't wish to break you, because I know it will shatter my soul.

Forever, Ever Ever and Ever Loved,
Aaron Baker

PS. I see needless tears, you know it tares at me darling, I will resolve to show myself warmth. I can admit now this warms you, no more cold fears darling, for I know you need that fearless love. I will bare my armor for only you, and I will bear my armor for only you.

1 Resolute Love Dedicated 4 Taylor Alison
11ov3 Aaron David
Home of the Swift Bakers


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