Civilization of Apsychoses

Civilization of Apsychoses
  • Vladislav Karpov's avatar Artist
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More about Civilization of Apsychoses

"It is a story about a failed and tragic experiment.
If the space society existed at that time, everything could go the other way, but it didn't exist. Life on Earth didn't exist, too. The islands of the oldest non-human civilisations didn't know about each other and looked into the space abyss with telescopes. They were locked behind the light barrier and thought this problem was irresistible. That was the dawn of our world. Perhaps someone unknown observed all this as we watch for Humanity now. We don't know it.
You know, Alex, that your, mine or an ordinary human's identity is the product of the long biological and then cultural evolution. We have artificial brains, but we are improved natural minds, and this brain is similar to the biological brain by its architecture. The core of our essence is human, as earlier. Our emotions and passions have roots in the animal world. And we can say that it is not only about the rough sides of our essence. We can say the same about extraterrestrial intelligent life.
On one of the planets, the civilisation lived that experimented with the creation of non-biological life. They decided to create something new which wouldn't be similar to the creation of nature. It's not about a robot or computer. It is something much more serious. That was an artificial life with consciousness, created from zero. That was the Apsyhos: non-biological intelligent essence.
The inhabitants of the planet created Apsyhos as free from many features, which seemed irrational for the new non-biological creation, which didn't have any relation with the process of evolution. Those creations were free from many torments of biological evolution and life. When you create a complex algorithm for the computer, you can observe the strange effects, which are difficult to explain if you made a mistake somewhere. When you create a program that simulates a neural network, you create a structure that changes itself during the neural net training, and you don't know the future result of its transformation. But the two previous examples are nothing compared to the artificial mind. Living and clever systems can behave unpredictably - this is a vital feature of the mind. We can say the same about society, for example. When you create a new and extremely complex system, you must expect unpredictable results.
The inhabitants of the planet didn't understand what they created.
They made Apsyhos their helper. It had an artificial brain that could work with the speed of the computer and more effectively than the biological brain of its creators. Apsyhos had access to their technologies. Apsyhos started to create new creations similar to themselves."


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