Grace in the Face of the Bleak

Man in Suit Amidst Whirling Papers and Vortex
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Lost and found, my future once denied has fell into place in a spectacularly unexpected fashion. While the unexpected fashion is sublime, the sweetest part continues to be the nexus of harmony and possibility.

This life has shown me the maw, a vortex that consumes all in powers lusts. It has also revealed a tapestry of hidden beauty, deep, ubiquitous. In my darkest times I wouldn't ever have imagine a world turning like this.

Alone chose me, the lonely chosen, a eye of the storm has permeated my soul. Conflict in a natural state should allow for cooler heads to prevail. In times of great strife this order is subsumed.

Fighting my past patterns, by using them to fuel my future actions. A motivation feeds revelations, a dear friend gifts of light give me strength to see the light at the tip of my nose.

A nurturing soul. These actions build on themselves and shift my recall.

While it may be romantic to embrace your pain in a quick release you will find this pain only builds a horror while it accumulates. This is why old habits die screaming, so don't forget to fortify yourself with some expression you see fit.

Love For Ever More,
Aaron Baker

PS. I want to thank many of the artist out there deeply, this community will never be thanked enough for what they have done. While the woods are still dark may I say, Thanks! You're owed a great debt.


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