Rebuilding Teddy

Whimsical Treehouse Scene with Teddy Bears and Sprites
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We are out of the woods, into the workshop. This is where we will rebuild.

My dear it is obvious few would wish to leave, in fact I suspect one will rock the boat to send the misguided sailor seeking calmer seas.

Who could stay through the stormy waters? Who could make a way with drama chasing dharma? The boat will rock, can you maintain sea legs?

I suspect one may induce questions in testing ones fortitude. If you're a sailor with a past of breaking hearts, she will show you a mirror image. Your past will come back to haunt...

Have you induced others to have a fear of abandonment, guess what is on the menu?

While Karma is a goddess, my girlfriend? Clearly not yet. My side of the street needs some potholes repairs. In due time I fix them, a daily grind. Will she take my hand or is this in my mind? I have faith the answer is yes, in due time.

We may have met our match. Your plays are a chef's kiss, you're indeed a smarty pants. A magnetism that brings many moths to your flame. A gift wrapped in a curse? I often feel the same.

Finding your light makes me feel less alone, lucky 1 finds complementary ways we seem to share supple minds.

You extend insights through love, your song, fearlessly letting folks into your life. Even teasing them with head fakes. I stand in awe at the big family you have made.

So I build myself, or more accurately I make strides with some helping hands, a team of elves.

You know who could stay, you know I have a different sort of way. While this is no fairytale, I do know now we share a dream. If a pair such as we can't make wishes become realities, it will not be for lack of try, try, try.

While pressure makes diamonds, I have never met a reflection as mine in another. Your presence alone is a bit much for some. I hardly know this at scale, I have the same sort of curse in my own way.

While fame pushes attraction, in turn intimation is also a sizable cage. I often feel the same, like a monster under quarantine, when others fail to treat me as the same.

Narcistic battles come with the territory, when you dealing with pressures this insane. Others telling you you're great over; and over, toxifies even the most steady, stable, sane. Rose colored frames are always in question, is this in your head? Do you even have the capacity to feel this way?

Slowly building you a castle or a cage? Is it to keep others out, or is this my much needed safe space?

Forever Loved,
Aaron Baker

PS. One thing I can say without reservation, In our touch the world will never be the same.

1 That Could Dedicated 4 Taylor Alison
11ov3 Aaron David
Home of the Swift Bakers


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