No More Lucks to Give

Young girl in leafy dress in vibrant garden
  • kellodea's avatar Artist
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    1yr ago
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More about No More Lucks to Give

This kid sees right through it. A couple days ago the kids at school found 3 little adorable mice just on the outside of the playground fence. They named them Poppy, Lavender, and Lilac. It was so sweet. Yesterday, though they found one of the mice dead on the playground. They were horribly distraught and felt helpless. I said, let's bury our little friend and have a funeral. They loved this idea and began digging a hole. I gently scooped the mouse up in a cup and placed it in the hole. They filled it with dirt and had a little ceremony where they all said words of honor to their little friend. They felt empowered that they were able to do something. They found community in their loss, and confidence in their voices to express grief in a healthy way. When I'm back at school on Monday, I'm giving them a headstone to mark it's tiny grave. The epitaph reads:

Tiny paws that danced with glee, now rest beneath this maple tree. Though brief the journey, love was true, in childhood's heart, we remember you.


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