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In the realm where whispers tread on silence,
There stood a girl with eyes full of defiance.
Two ethereal portals before her spread,
Promising unknown tales yet to be read.

One was a specter of swirling azure,
Its luring depth filled with allure.
The other, a kaleidoscope of crimson hue,
Danced with mysteries, old and new.

She felt a tug, the gravity of choice,
A silence pleading for her voice.
Each portal called in a harmonious cry,
Promising dreams beneath each sky.

Her heart danced with the azure light,
Its soothing pulse echoed in the night.
Yet the crimson door, with its fiery glow,
Promised tales she yearned to know.

Two unknown roads lay at her feet,
Their silent songs oh so sweet.
With the world watching in bated breath,
She stood at the precipice of a dual death.

A brave girl she was, caught in the dance,
With the portals, in a transcendental trance.
Her choice, a gamble in the cosmic play,
For each door held a different day.

One step forward, one leap of faith,
In the ether's arms, she'd wreathe.
She knew not where the paths would roam,
In the end, all roads lead home.

In the silence of her solitude's reign,
The girl faced the beautiful strain.
Her choice was not of right or wrong,
But a new verse in her life's long song.

For in the heart of the unknown,
The seeds of wisdom are sown.
Every choice a new story unfurls,
In the grand tale of the cosmos, she whirls.


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