


Model: EssenceOfReality
Prompt:  The image shows a vibrant and whimsical scene where a female dancer in a flowing red dress is depicted in a cosmic setting with swirling patterns that mimic a galaxy. She appears to be painting or conducting the energy of the universe with her movements. The foreground includes a painter’s palette with bright watercolor paints, brushes, and a canvas, blending the act of artistic creation with the grandeur of cosmic phenomena. The overall composition suggests a fusion of art and the cosmos, with a sense of dynamic movement and creativity. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. optical illusion creates a crack in the universe, revealing prisms and godrays Try (4)
elegant dof extremely detailed psychedelic intricate vibrant masterpiece beautiful fantastic view 4K 3D acrylic art watercolor line art SALVADOR DALI magical reflections elaborate detailed eyes radiant colors speed painting Northern Lights Andrew Atroshenko extremely detailed background nebula, colourful galaxy vortex closed cupid's bow lips


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