Father's Dreams

Majestic lion and tigers in a serene landscape scene
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Finding moments, I put nothing in the way. I continue to dig from my hole, yet not reflecting my journey, fractions of the whole. I walk forward in humility, I lack many things yet each step reveals itself. This is the way.

When dreams meet reality a promenade of healing, a balance I have never had. I hold tight to some things. Others I know I must let change, growth's endless evolutionary phase.

I see dark times ahead for the world. I know the hand maids of destruction descend, table flipping is on its way. This warrior, sage, and poet as 1 I will wade into the fray. A societal collapse is on the menu, death to the candle, a storms refrain.

I know wisdom, all hands must be filled with good work. We must do our best to sidestep mob, and mob rule. While redirecting the collective, their dismay. They must be guided, although I can't do it at the cost of what I truly hold dear.

This means I must protect two things. My path toward revealing love, fates willing a family. The second a world worth living in, a future to thrive, 1's cubs. While both are lifelong endeavors, the second I find daunting.

I know I am not in this alone, I know we must take one step at a time.

With this I make myself slow down. While the world moves at an aggressive pace, I know I run counter in my flow state.

I feel at times many things are not moving as quickly as I like. I also know I have come a long way. So I rest now, I also know the most difficult times are yet to come. I am fine with this, I am built for these moments. I find the table is set, all I have to do is practice, reform my weakness to strength. No magic just discipline.

In building this future the path will be made plain.

Our future is bright, but almost never exactly what we think, bee. This is why in truth I can only cast my walk through this valley as I know it to be. While compromise is the product of hard won peace, insistence has its place.

I must do what I can do in this world. I preserve myself, I know if the world ravages me any partnership I make is inane.

So with this I cast my love upon a cosmic plane. The fabric of space and time will oblige, it beckons. 1's tigress holds a love in quite contemplation.

May peace be the words we speak. We shall insist on cooler heads prevailing, may love reign. Midnights will come and go.

Hope never be driven from our souls, that is their shame.

Forever, Ever, and Evermore,
Aaron Baker

PS. Queen bee? Hierarchy a funny thing. I wish upon twilight, for dawn. I spend tomorrow wondering where these paths lead. A house on the hill? Heartbreak is part of this game, que sera sera, love's mantra. Perhaps this dance was meant to be solo, c'est la vie. I dance like I have never before. If I get a say I wish my hand to be filled by the girl of my American dreams.

1 Making a Way 4 Taylor Alison
11ove3 Aaron David
May a Swift Baker love be the story of us.


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