Brain detox

Illustration of Human Brain Anatomy in Head Silhouette
  • Jiří Maria Mašek's avatar Artist
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More about Brain detox

The main detoxifiers of pollution, especially radiation, include glucose. This is needed whenever DNA is attacked from the outside. Glucose triggers a strong insulin reaction and it is this process that then cleanses the cells, especially the brain. This process is important for all the neuro-degenerative diseases of our time, such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc., which is always an extremely strong poisoning (especially by heavy metals) and the inability to release/detoxify the poisons.
You may have noticed that people with diabetes in particular died from so-called C-19. I remind you that these were people who were mostly taking chemical drugs/medications, or injecting insulin directly. Drugs are never the solution, but the thing that makes things more confusing and often the very cause of destructive diseases. Doctors and science do not try to understand the cause of the diseases and what it has to tell us, or worse, they know, but bribed by the financial sector, they ignore it and serve as so-called scumbags, i.e. direct drug sellers. They are now able to earn even greater rewards by selling mRNA vaccines. Putting one's child through medical school, i.e., a dealer, is proving to be a very financially prudent decision.
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