Vitamin A defficiency

Orange and green pumpkins with a sliced orange on blue
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More about Vitamin A defficiency

Every regular traveller to the seaside and every other Czech who goes to Croatia in summer knows that carotenoids and the vitamin "carrot" are needed for a nice golden orange tan. Vitamin A proves to be important to the point of being fatal at this time because of the strong solar-cosmic and technological radiation.
Let me try to shed some light on this.
The point is that both a lack of radiation (where the sun doesn't go, the doctor goes) and an excess of it causes the body to attempt a powerful cleansing, and the body works with toxicity that it has a harder time with without the sun and with a lot of it. This is the case with both the so-called corona virus, a radiation sickness, and many other immunodeficiency problems of our time.
Toxicity is handled by 3 organs in the body - the filters. Blood, liver and thyroid. If the body is too poisoned, in this day and age with radiation, problems occur in the blood-liver-thyroid route as a last resort. The body becomes acidic, poisoned, the hormones stop working and the body gains weight, and in this time in the west we are facing an obesity pandemic due to toxic food in addition to radiation. The body then rejects any (!) food and reacts with allergies and rejection.
In addition to vitamin A, I also point out the special role of iodine, If the body is very poisoned (see free radicals or already DNA decay), it consumes a lot of iodine in an attempt to save itself. Organic iodine is a problem to find, we can partly get it from seaweed and animals in particular, it is currently the healthiest, the so called Japanese model and the "sushi strategy". The realm of fish, purifying rice and miso, or soy, natto beans, fermented stuff, pickled ginger and other roots. I caution against chemical iodine in table salts, which destroys the thyroid.
Foods with the highest vitamin A content include beef and other liver, cod liver, mackerel and other fish, and among vegetables and fruits, fresh alfalfa, squash, carrots, spinach, mango, parsley, apricots, chard or watermelon.
Today I have at least machine translated a couple of studies shared by Taube Becker, thank you very much, thank you!
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