

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  Teenager Bran lives in an absolutely huge city that is thought to contain the whole world by its inhabitants. I never quite worked out the dimensions but it's miles across and hundreds of levels high, and tens of miles long. Generations of people have lived in the city such that nobody remembers any other way of living. Around every 10 years the 'tailend' section of the city is demolished and its occupants go on 'pilgimage' to the other end of the city, where the materials from the demolished section are used to build a fresh new section. This continues generation after generation such that the city is slowly moving across the landscape. Nobody remembers why. Everything has started to decay and breakdown, and there are remnants of technology that nobody understands or can repair. As Bran lives at the tailend, it is soon his group's turn to go on pilgrimage to the other end of the city. However, strange events start to happen like the appearance of a 'giant dwarf' and shaking of the city. The causes the occupants to panic and leave early. Bran, his girlfriend and his best friend decide to leave their families and go on a journey through the forgotten parts of the city. This is actually pretty interesting and full of tension as you're never quite sure what weird things are going to be encountered next. Try
elegant oil on canvas vibrant masterpiece very attractive beautiful high detail anatomically correct expressionism Metaphysical painting full body depicted


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