Aurora Temporalis

Aurora Temporalis
  • ⭐DC80⭐'s avatar Artist
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In the shadowed silence of the twilit hour,
Erupts a vision of transcendent power,
The dance of the Aurora Temporalis begins,
A cosmic ballet where time and light spin.

Tendrils of color, they warp and they weave,
In the fabric of night, a tale they conceive.
Reds and yellows in a timeless dance,
Under its spell, I'm held in a trance.

A spectral clockwork, so wild and free,
Unravels the threads of eternity.
In its rhythm, time and space unite,
Under its gaze, I see the infinite light.

Is this a vision? Or a cosmic decree,
Of time's secret held in chromatic spree?
No scribe could capture this fluid design,
Yet in my heart, it forever will shine.

The Aurora Temporalis, a sight so profound,
A dance where time is lost and found.
I stand in awe, my spirit set free,
In the face of time's silent symphony.


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