Man, begging on the side of the road

Person in leather jacket and hat sitting on curb at night under street lights.
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More about Man, begging on the side of the road

this the prompts in german, and AI makes a car.
Mann , Bettelnd am Straßenrand, Mysterious, Dark Naturalism, Gamercore, Totale, CGI, Faded, Badge, Fleckige Farben, Abstract, Moonlighting, hyperrealistisch, filigranes Detail, fein detailliert, ultrarealistisch, Tonal Colors, Oktan-Rendering, 8k
this the prompts in english
Man, begging on the side of the road, mysterious, dark naturalism, gamercore, long shot, CGI, faded, badge, mottled colors, abstract, moonlighting, hyper-realistic, filigree detail, finely detailed, ultra-realistic, tonal colors, octane rendering, 8k


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